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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I thought that was basically the case at present.
  2. Are we banning reasonable chastisement or is it just if it leaves a mark etc?
  3. What would folks do if they caught their teenager stealing a tenner or a score out their pocket?
  4. Are we just going to be ridiculous now.
  5. Only when I tell someone their mum was a bad parent.
  6. I had my catchers mitt on as soon as I read it.
  7. And I wouldn't argue against that for a second, I don't get anyone that knocks a kid around but I don't really think that anyone on here is saying anything different.
  8. He's stating that the smacks caused the rest, my son didn't get smacked, took no notice of any consequences and was basically a nightmare for a decade, sometimes I've wondered if a good smacking wouldn't have made a difference.
  9. I don't think you'd need to inflict pain on a nappy wearing youngster to have the desired effect.
  10. It's always the same handful of dicks that come out with that patter, I've not witnessed this mare myself.
  11. It'll be just as pointless as the other painless methods then.
  12. Aye, I remember my then toddler showing me how to open the child proof cupboards.
  13. I think it's the opposite that's the bigger problem in society, there are far too many disrespectful,expect everything for nowt fannies in the world for my liking.
  14. My 22 month old granddaughter would just hurl it at you when she's in top form.
  15. There are loads of ways, sometimes none of them work.
  16. I wish they'd introduce a law for those parents that think wee Jimmy can do no wrong and gets free reign to do whatever the f**k he likes.
  17. There are plenty that don't smack that are seriously bad parents.
  18. When is volleying your kid ever ok.
  19. We'll comment when you've managed a worthwhile contribution on the subject.
  20. Aye, you've decided that abandoning her is the best way to care for her.
  21. What would you suggest when all those fail miserably?
  22. The positive I can see from it is those numpties that hammer their kids arses in supermarkets for having a wee strop, might get a wee word in their ear from the police as someone might report it, when you're scudding them hard in public you definitely have lost the battle with your kid.
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