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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Paul Weir was a 2 weight champ inside 10 fights. Floyd had 11 world title wins by the age Lomanchenko turned pro.
  2. In time he may prove to be correct but basing his assumption on amateur bouts(virtually a different sport) and pro records of a novice v a fighter who's unbeaten record includes wins against multiple hall of famers/future hall of famers seems nuts to me.
  3. What chance have we got, we're now judging greatness on amateur records, it's virtually MMA v Boxing again.
  4. Depends, is there another country who think so little of themselves and so much of their neighbour.
  5. H_B must have been ghostwriting.
  6. That's not dictating terms, that's doing business properly, there's no point wasting valuable man hours in negotiations if it all falls through because the UK won't stump up. The Tories have been too busy playing to the galleries and disrespecting the EU and it's members, as usual getting re-elected trumps the greater good.
  7. Aye, you should have been there for that 25 and the next 25, game was over when he left the field.
  8. I've saw rougher stuff at corner kicks.
  9. That's why he'd be a bad pick for YES, Murray would only get wheeled out occasionally as he'd just look at odds with the party on both sides of the border.
  10. The worst choice for yessers IMO.
  11. I can't work out how Ayr are larger odds at home to Arbroath than Raith are away to local rivals East Fife. Ayrs odds today basically imply that Ayr will win less games at home this season than they did in 2015/16,don't see it myself.
  12. Pulis will probably straighten him out and triple his cash.
  13. Just suggesting a BBC or Daily Mail headline, they can take issue with absolutely anything.
  14. NHS treat foreigners while Scots have procedures and patient transport cancelled.
  15. They'll be kissing his lordships ring for a fortnight after that error.
  16. Ferguson is many things but he doesn't come across as a bigot or someone who shoehorns Rangers into radio discussions, Hamilton>youth>Hearts>Rangers was his usual breakdown of discussion pieces.
  17. The establishment hate WOS, they've been used with doing and saying what they like for far too long. I think he's quite right to take Dugdale to court, she abused her position of privliege to lie about someone just because the MSM have allowed NO'ers to say as they please for a long while now.
  18. Unoriginal but a marked improvement on your piss poor 1st effort at a reply.
  19. I think you'll find that Beltrami's superior drew up the bookies rules.
  20. You're probably one of the thick c***s that don't know where most things are,well, apart from the booze and junk aisles.
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