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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Agreed, my old uncle(RIP) extinguished Vernon Sollas' aspirations when he was supposed to be a stepping stone to the dizzy heights.
  2. I'm not going to disrespect Burns but I think given time Taylor has the potential to reach a level above Burns, I'm not going to get too carried away by tonight as Davis was at least 2 levels below Taylor, Taylor landed more punches in a 10 second burst than Davis was managing to land in a round, Taylors gloves must be hurting.
  3. Ricky Burns couldn't lace Buchanan' boots.
  4. All Khan' fans had to leave when he fought up there early doors.
  5. When are they going to let the punches go.
  6. Murdo Fraser is only an msp because he couldn't park Asda' trolleys properly.
  7. I know a lady that got over £1m for a bit of brain damage due to a RTA, she still functions normally with a bit of nutjob thrown in, a nine figure payout would do the establishment the world of good IMHO.
  8. How much is appropriate for a life or for the trauma caused? I think it's worth a lottery win, don't you?
  9. Why shouldn't it be seen as a lottery win for anyone involved? The establishment are only bothered about cash, the higher the payouts the better as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Has the guy not got history for siding with the establishment?
  11. A week later and the world would have ended.
  12. I thought they were but PMQ's being on today challenged my surety. Keeping the above as is and getting the rest in front of the UK will leave them with nowt to moan about.
  13. I hope FMQ'S are on tomorrow, I envisage Kez, Willie and The Gub all concentrating on 10% or so of farmers not getting their payments on time.
  14. Liked hearing Sugar mugging off a wet behind the ears 17 year old Bill Gates, knocked down Gates to about £50k or some other measly sum for putting his operating system in Sugar's Amstrads, with the benefit of time Sir Al came to realise that it was Gates that had dished out the mother of all rodgerings
  15. Come on, we've not to politicise these incidents until the point in time where most have forgotten about them. Thought Phillipa was terrific in the HoC the other day, she certainly had the Tories coughing and spluttering about it being too early to discuss Grenfell, it was easy for her as Irvine was 18 years ago.
  16. I just remember the ludicrous position from a few years ago where Scotland was getting tagged for paying interest on cash the UK borrowed from itself, it was certainly considerably more than a population share of £2b back then, it's not like there's much a wee diddy country like ourselves could do with a piddly £170 million on top of the other paltry £2.6 billion. You're posting here like these figures are insignificant amounts, the large figure is 3 new QE hospitals in Glasgow, 2 Queensferry crossings, 100 secondary schools, scrapping the bedroom tax 50 times,a 50% increase in pensions,doubling working and child tax credits, building a bridge and doubling DLA & Attendance Allowance etc etc etc.
  17. Is there not also approximately 50% of that figure that comes off at source to pay the interest to the treasury on the QE?
  18. Off the top of my head used £1.8t as debt and applied your 0.0573 figure and a rough population share. Even at 3% it's £4.5 billion a year or £850 per head, that's £4.5 billion we could be putting towards a sovereign wealth fund, cutting deficits, fighting austerity or pishing it up against a wall etc.
  19. Not bad, 40+ years of oil and we owe £8.75 billion in loan interest per annum, £1640 a skull, an absolute bargain to be run by that shower of shite down the road.
  20. The SNP haven't been prominent long enough to have many heartlands, cheering Tory victories over Tory defeats when you know you're in with a decent chance of power just sums your Kezia' and Jackie' up pretty well.
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