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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I feel that if people realised the carnage that can result from a break up then less people would jump about, I know that my wife leaving me due to my gambling had a catastrophic impact on some of my kids, short term gains aren't worth that IMHO. I'm glad in one respect that I was a slapper before I was married, regrettably you're tramping over quite a few peoples feelings when you're a slapper.
  2. Have you ever had a 10/10 laying it on a plate for you?
  3. You only truly know if you'd be faithful if you've had offers and rejected them IMO.
  4. There will be a lack of respect there but the underlying issue for most will be low self esteem.
  5. Loads of dafties out there, it's alarming that the most prevalent shaggers out there appear to be the most indiscreet, I think it's down to a serious lack of self esteem.
  6. I would stake my life on TCK being comfortably in the majority when it comes to playing away from home.
  7. Very disparaging, I've not met a hammer yet that thinks Dugdale didn't encourage Labour voters to vote Tory in seats where they were best placed to win.
  8. The DUP will get on just fine with them then.
  9. Only Survation were pretty accurate with their prediction, Yougov were just throwing enough shite on the wall in the hope that some of it stuck.
  10. She's already shown that she'll do a bolter when asked uncomfortable questions.
  11. Davidson is nearly as wibblywobbly as May, like May she's not really been scrutinised hard and often.
  12. UK wide don't vote up here, she got pummelled as usual up here.
  13. At no time in the last 4 years have Salmond or Sturgeon got anything other than a grilling about their position.
  14. TBF, she was allowed to play a blinder by the MSM.
  15. It would be just dandy if Div could thin out the accounts of the unionist troll/s.
  16. And deprive their kids of food.
  17. I can't say I've heard any of them confirming this, I'd always assumed that the last thing most rape victims wanted to do was share and relive their experiences.
  18. I'm not suggesting Nicola should be punted but arses need to be kicked, the arrogance has been ripping out of the SNP for a while now.
  19. I'm not doubting that but they've been very unimpressive and she didn't help her cause by meationing what Dugdale told her, I never trust anyone after they give away my confidence.
  20. If the Scottish poll is correct I think Nicola must be under big pressure after a very poor campaign.
  21. Survation doesn't look like too much of an outlier now if the exit poll's accurate.
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