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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. The only way I'll even countenance a player going down under a light tackle is the fact that referees appear to ignore a lot of fouls where the player stays on his feet, personally I think it's cheating and the officials should have it drummed into them that a player shouldn't need to hit the deck to get the decision.
  2. I'll just throw my tuppence worth into the mix about employers paying a living wage, if businesses big or small can't make a coin paying the living wage, tough titties, charge what your product/service is worth rather than this depressing prices pish that serves nobodies best interests in the long term. The sectors that require initial assistance should receive tapered subsidies for a fixed time period, if Greggs want to make the same or more net profit they can put a shilling or so on all the shit they sell. Too many full-time workers are "scrounging b*****ds" in the UK, the right wing press will do everything in their power to keep that phrase or similar prominent in the mindset of the British public.
  3. Not to mention trapping millions around or below the poverty line.
  4. It's like a millionaire moaning about losing a quid.
  5. Tax avoidance by corporations probably covers that.
  6. We voted for Brexit despite all the doom mongering about the economy post brexit, it's not the figures that are the problem so much as the MSM's failure to show that what the UK are doing/has done might not be the best way for Scotland, why would they, they're in the trough.
  7. This is just nonsense espoused by those that fall for Westminster' diversionary tactics, strip away pensions,over-inflated housing benefits to landlords ,in work benefits that prop up poor paying companies etc and there's not really a huge amount to cut back on at the lower end unless we stop supporting the unemployed and disabled. The MSM don't really give a f**k when a poor person loses a fiver a week but my god they don't half shout like f**k when somebody on a grand a week loses a fiver a week, like many other areas of life, those at the top and their cheerleaders condition the population to think as they want us to think.
  8. Of course they will, I'm sure they'll manage to find a tweet abusing JK Rowling to balance out anything like the above that happens to a Yesser.
  9. It's a very common occurrence nowadays, the education system should take a good look at itself and how it teaches basic numeracy to youngsters, kids shouldn't need to think about any multiplication involving any of the traditional tables, 8 8's should be as automatic as 1 add 1 IMHO.
  10. I find it unnatural that such a high % of Labour reps are NO, it just doesn't make sense in the world that I live in.
  11. Stuart Dickson certainly used to claim he fed his family on subsistence levels of cash while having about a 20 room package with Sky.. f**k, he'd have livened this place up with Brexit & Trump.
  12. Why would you want that stopped. the problem at all levels of government is the absolute abundance of sellouts that get elected, Corbyn is for ever getting his past voting record used as a stick to beat him, I don't understand that, he should be commended for sticking to his principles not criticised, I know some will say his side can't moan about the others not voting with the party but an awful lot of the New Labour politicians talk the talk of soft left wingers and act/vote like right wingers, the general public really don't like duplicitous b*****ds and Labour have loads of them, that's what's fucked the Labour party more than anything else.
  13. The teacher obviously didn't connect with you often enough.
  14. I'm in the company of EU and non-EU migrants all the time, if you look for differences you'll find them(accent and skin colour being the most obvious ones), I don't hear/see them, I see hard-working people looking to provide for their families and I hear decent folk that really quite like this corner of the Scotland and the accepting "who gives a f**k" nature of the vast majority of people living here. Wish we could get a better description than migrant, it's a tainted word for modern day Scotland.
  15. I can't say I've noticed loads of pensioners driving white vans.
  16. Prof Curtice will be filling out a poll at the moiment that totally contradicts that poll.
  17. f**k, can't remember the last time Labour had the best panellist on QT. If Ruthie was held up to the same scrutiny as Salmond and Sturgeon she'd have been history long ago.
  18. Aye, did they not basically vote to say the fitba act was a pile of shite without actually putting forward any sort of plans of their own for change.
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