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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I wish these b*****ds would stop looking for oil, they're just adding burden upon crippling burden, can Nicola not do something to stop this torture.
  2. Reminds me of a guy that went to GA, was an absolute c**t to his girlfriend whenever they were an item, then when they were not together he proceeded to act like a prince in an attempt to get her back. Anyone who thinks we've did well out of the broad shoulders over the last 50 years or so really needs to take a good hard look at themselves, just look at Aberdeen, the place has generated that much income for UK PLC that it should be able to withstand any downturns quite comfortably, it isn't, it's struggling at the moment. London didn't appear to suffer too much from the downturn even although it was the practises pursued in London that caused the clusterfuck that we still haven't recovered from.
  3. I'm pretty sure Andy found the right person to aid him in his recovery, IIRC he found someone heavily into 2 fellowships(GA,AA) that he could confide in and unburden himself, my memory isn't the greatest so apologies to Andy if I've got him muddled up with another former footballer. McInally unwittingly did him a huge favour, what good would anyone derive from sharing with someone who's not equipped to help and probably running away from their own demons at that point.
  4. The only prejudice I've got regarding your good self is that you stink the place out, I haven't read your drivel for a long while therefore I can't fit it to my own prejudice.
  5. Can I apologise to H_B, AdLib and co, as much as I used to regard them as tedious b*****ds, they ain't a patch on McSpreader and they did offer something to the debate.
  6. Never underestimate how much Andy gains from speaking frankly about his past, it used to absolutely drain me mentally as I had so much emotion of all kinds wrapped up in sharing my story but I derived a tonne of benefit every time I shared. He just couldn't handle it from Ayr fans, I don't ever remember the abuse having anything other than a detrimental effect on his game against us.
  7. The boy tried his heart out in an Ayr jersey despite the torrent of abuse he'd gotten as an ex Killie playing for opposing teams previously, the self destruct button will always be there but over time he'll learn to control it better.
  8. "She's a shitebag,SNP are shitebags,Yessers are shitebags".
  9. I'm glad, I'm fed up hearing all this "trying to work things out together" pish, Sturgeon should just tell the world exactly what appeared/didn't appear on the table at these brexit negotiations.
  10. I'll give Stevo the benefit of the doubt, he has so far when I've listened to him not shirked criticising people or practises at clubs he's played for, some are too shit scared to say a word about anyone or anything at clubs they've been at. Hopefully he takes the Michael Stewart route rather than the Derek Johnstone route, a wee bit of Tom English' prep on stats wouldn't go amiss either.
  11. That will just be wind and pish, it's not hard to set up a central bank, our problem is that Westminster has depleted their reserves significantly over the last 10 or 15 years.
  12. Couldn't agree more, I'd go as far as to say another indyref will and should be off the table for at least 20 years if we get a pumping again.
  13. Sturgeon will deserve a right good slap in the chops if we go into this referendum campaign with the same currency arguments as the last time. We need to be bad b*****ds in any debates this time.
  14. My dad used to have to weigh in with all his clothes on.
  15. Nah, I think more analytical and drier would be far better, I listened to the Hibs Dundee United game last week and it was quite clear that the pundits knew next to f**k all about the Championship this season, they spoke in a manner that sughested United were the only challenger to Hibs and clearly the 2nd best team in the league, I did text in to point out that they weren't even the 2nd best team in the league, Willie Miller had a wee chortle when it was read out at the end of the show but at least they did change tack a bit after half time. It's little more than a patronising head pat to the wee teams on these radio programmes apart from the odd decent pundit.
  16. I remember Reid sitting on the apron saying that he didn't think he would have got the decision even if his mum was a judge.
  17. His bout against Robin Reid was one of the most disgraceful fights I've watched, the only time I've witnessed a boxer getting telt for throwing a perfect hook.
  18. tbf your local village idiot would come across as competent and articulate in Bognor Regis.
  19. She makes Corbyn look dynamic and statesmanlike.
  20. Nah, there's no way they were immaculate conceptions.
  21. I'm quite sure she was bubbling like a fanny the last time I saw her on the box.
  22. I'd be coming across like an angry b*****d if I had to listen to the shite being spouted from the audience, panellists and chair.
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