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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Early polling must be a wee bit closer than expected. I can feel a Kevin Keegan rant welling up inside.
  2. It shouldn't be a surprise, they're renowned for exaggerating their importance to Comical Ali levels at every turn on here, deluded of Fife is their nom de plume..
  3. That's not what you said though, being an outlier doesn't mean it can't be the accurate one, your statement will be no more correct on Friday than it is now.
  4. How can anyone possibly dismiss any regular pollster as an outlier after the last few years.
  5. I'll like them less if they're correct up here although I'd take their UK poll in an instant.
  6. If nothing else we're going to get a few hours of excitement waiting for the 1st telling constituencies to given their results, anything less than a 60 seat majority will probably seal May's fate, personally I think they should pump her anyway as she's proven herself to be weak and dithery, not qualities anyone wants in a leader.
  7. No, it was the "granted" bit I was replying to, the guy might be a bit of a tool on Twitter but his site is the only major one scrutinising the Unionists to any worthwhile level.
  8. Who else do you think will publish stuff like that unless it's about SNP supporters.
  9. That should ensure a higher than normal turnout of the P&B masses at the polling booths on Thursday.
  10. It would be good if the SNP used it to humiliate the Tories when the right opportunity arises, they'll probably take the nicey nicey approach though.
  11. There internal polls are always like that, they must just poll family and friends.
  12. Tam can't be like his auld man if he's only arguing with fandans.
  13. You'll obviously be Audley' cannon fodder of a sparring partner.
  14. It's like Ayr wanting to play Celtic.
  15. If all the pollsters throw enough shite around eventually some of it will land in the right place.
  16. My brain works like that as well but you're still sticking £7k on a 12/1 shot at the end of the day, the minute they offer you that cashback it's your money if you want it, in my day you didn't get the choice, I remember getting pipped for £12k when I was about 12,13,14 years old, I think I'd have accepted a cashout back then as I was on half a quid a week pocket money. I do remember having £1100 when I was 14, 2 days and the bookies had 95% of it back.
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