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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Nowt wrong with that on it's own but it's not handy if you're the leader of the Liberal Democrats.
  2. It's a perfect example of why we should run our own affairs.
  3. Why not go to a pro shop and try out some 2nd hand ones, I found a few decent drivers at good prices that way.
  4. To decide their level of culpability in our economies performance?
  5. So that's it, no explanation of why it's lagging behind, no explanation of what sectors are performing well/bad, no explanation of what levers are causing the lag or who controls those levers, no explanation why the UK are the worst performing economy in the EU.
  6. They were trying to be all things to all people, didn't work.
  7. Can you highlight all the negative effects please.
  8. The say so of one individual out of 1.6 million appears to hold more weight than a Holyrood vote, UK democracy in action.
  9. Did they f**k and they don't speak for me anyway.
  10. No, it's natural because eventually even the most servile of people want a shot at running their own affairs. It's not YES continually saying don't give us a referendum it's NO, why if a 2nd defeat would probably end it for a few generations do you think all NO parties are so vociferously against another one, it's got f**k all to do with folk being scunnered with votes.
  11. YES do. I was a kid the last time proper socialist policies looked capable of winning a Westminster election, most thought it couldn't happen again but it looks likely if there's another GE in the next couple of years, you can't really create the conditions that will bring about independence but they'll happen naturally themselves at some point. As for Quebec, who cares, they're not Scotland.
  12. I don't want heads to roll, I'm looking for quite a few jail sentences across the spectrum.
  13. Why do you think it isn't inevitable? The SNP still have the majority in both houses despite an insipid performance and a compliant unionist media, support has probably remained static because everyone is fed up with elections and totally scunnered with every election campaign being totally dominated by independence, it doesn't help when Sturgeon & Co are looking for it when a large chunk of YESSERS don't think it's the right time.
  14. It's inevitabe, when, who knows but it will happen.
  15. When the time is right for indyref2 the people will return a pro indy majority in Holyrood.
  16. If I was a council official responsible for granting the contract I'd be heading for the hills, they're the ones who bear the greatest responsibility.
  17. Not a shock, the UK government try to glide along the water gracefully like a swan while their feet are turning faster than a speedboats propeller, bullshitters extraordinaire.
  18. Don't know but it's ensured that I can't win an argument no matter how right I am, I was so much of a c**t that it's easy as they just roll off her tongue when I've got the edge.
  19. I'm sure the kids of your mates and yourself wouldn't feel like winners if they read your post.
  20. I wasn't talking about opportunities, I was talking about getting offered it in no uncertain terms. There's a huge difference between someone flirting with you on a night out and someone asking you to f**k them or trying to get their mitts down your boxers.
  21. Not a shock, I'm surprised that so many are against the democratic will of the people under those circumstances.
  22. Your post stands for the majority but for some it doesn't take much to elevate them to bunny boiler status.
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