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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. That £1 billion could have been heading our way if your shower of shite up here actually wanted power at Westminster, alas, they get thicker as each new regime takes over, loonydave or muckspreader must have a chance after Kez gets her booted out the door.
  2. Which policy area do they not do that continually at present? I f slavery was still on the go and the SNP proposed to ban it Labour would oppose it with a passion.
  3. You can only flog a dead horse so many times.
  4. A few copy pastes to highlight the/lack of similarities between 2009 & 2017 and some of the recommendations that appear to have been undertaken/ignored. Senior managers at Southwark Council were warned by staff that Lakanal House needed a fire risk assessment - they were ignored. People carrying out fire risk assessments were given little or no training, and then expected to go out and decide if a tower block was fire safe or not. ” The inquest into that fire found that panels fitted to the outside of the block in 2006-07 burnt quicker than the original materials. At Lakanal House the fire spread inside and out. You can see from the pictures Grenfell Tower has been engulfed in flames. How quickly it must have spread here. Another issue experts are likely to look at when investigating here is the fire "compartmentalisation" of the building. Regulations say buildings should be designed so that if a fire does break out, it doesn’t spread to other flats for at least an hour. After the Lakanal House fire, I did a big freedom of information request investigation into what attention fire brigades and councils were placing on fire safety of tower blocks. The results revealed the answer - very little. It gradually improved in the intervening years. I led the calls for a public inquiry after the Lakanal House fire in Camberwell, south London, that killed six people in 2009. I said then that we couldn’t allow a similar tragedy to happen again, that action had to be taken to stop flammable panels being put on the outsides of buildings, that the advice to residents to sit tight might be sensible in the majority of cases but clearly wasn’t a universal rule. I said that the confusion between layers of planners, contractors and subcontractors was going to lead to further mistakes if the monitoring wasn’t carefully done. The Lakanal House fire highlighted the lack of coordination between contractors and the local authority. The complaints of Grenfell Tower residents indicate similar problems may have hindered the refurbishment process and this too must be looked at. The inquiry must not only put the tenants centre stage and give them a voice, but also ask whether tenants across the country need to be given new rights to access information and be part of the decision-making and monitoring processes regarding their homes. A lack of fire resistance around doors meant the fire could not be contained for long enough. Coroner Frances Kirkham has written to communities secretary Eric Pickles and Southwark Council with a list of recommendations. In her letter to Mr Pickles, she has recommended the government publishes national guidance on fire safety for residents in high-rise buildings and urged local authorities to install sprinkler systems. recommended that it reviews its policies concerning fire risk assessments of its high-rise buildings, that it trains staff and liaises with emergency services about access to property. "And we understand that there are around 4,000 tower blocks that don't have fire sprinklers fitted into them. "That was a recommendation, which was down to each local council and landlords to determine the appropriateness of this. "We were strongly recommending this as the fire at Lakanal House spread within four minutes to the flat above and went on to kill six people regrettably. "Our group recommended that due to the speed that the fire spread in Lakanal House, that building regulations should be reviewed. It's nearly 11 years since it has been reviewed.
  5. Yes but a lot of what went wrong in 2009 appears to have went wrong here.
  6. Were the Camden flats re-clad before or after the release of the report about the 2009 fire? There's a big difference fitting dangerous cladding through ignorance rather than fitting it to save cash.
  7. Ah big girls, the girls that like to say yes.
  8. Do you think they're intelligent enough to get a copy?
  9. Don't know enough about it(where's HibbeeJibbee) but I'd assume that wouldn't be enough under the present system.
  10. I would think it almost certainly has to be worse, what would be the point of membership if you get the same or better outside the EU.
  11. Fair do's from the ref, the worst decision I saw this morning was Rigondeaux getting the decision, the ref knew the punch was thrown after the bell yet allows his decision to be dictated by someone on the end of a phone, what's that all about.
  12. No, it's the fact that she lied and the MSM conveniently ran with it even although halfwits sitting at home had the nouse to say "how the f**k can she not get by on 5 or 6 hundred quid a week".
  13. That's why I think the ref was correct to stop it, if he doesn't see anything wrong with Ward' punches and a guy is sitting on the ropes making no attempt to lift his arms, what's he supposed to think, I wouldn't have argued with a count and continue but Kov was either on the verge of giving up or had given up, as you know, I'm not into extra punishment for the sake of it.
  14. One of those I attend the football with was blaming Sturgeon for adding £2 a week onto his outgoings, he meant it and he earns more than twice the average wage.
  15. I would have preferred a cleaner finish myself but I think Kov knows deep down that he was beaten by the better man, he didn't really show that much emotion about it to suggest he thought he was going to win.
  16. Kov doubled over with a punch to the lower abdomen that already softened him up.
  17. I wasn't commenting on Sturgeon' response or comparing it to Davidson', whether people like it or not, it had a damaging effect on Sturgeon and the SNP regardless of her response or the authenticity of the claim. We got gubbed in 2014 while playing the good guy and letting NO act like c***s, I want us to act like c***s when the opportunity presents itself rather than the SNP leading us to another glorious failure.
  18. He was already a beaten fighter by then.
  19. Since when have I hated Sturgeon? You're living in fantasy land if you don't think that made Sturgeon look stupid on the night, getting the truth eventually never detracts from the untruths anywhere near as much as it should.
  20. When is it best to mock her after all she made a c**t of Sturgeon through her lying on a very public forum.
  21. Interestingly Hammond told Marr that those cladding tiles were banned in the UK as well a saying he hadn't voted on the amendment.
  22. The last blow was definitely in the hawmaws, the rest were either on the waistband or inconclusive on the clips I watched, once the ref decides they aren't low blows then I feel he had no choice but to stop the fight, Kov is on the bottom rope with his hands down and head wide open, Ward has stopped and is standing right next to his head looking at the ref. FWIW, the better man won, Kov was clutching at straws for a wee while IMO,the fight was only going one way from that clubbing hook.
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