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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I'm surprised nobody has made a song and dance about BP transferring bits n bobs up here, sorry I forgot. God is bad and bad is bad if you live in Scotland.
  2. I wish people would look at this situation rationally, does anyone really believe that Westminster and all the troughers running around like headless chickens is due to one YouGov poll, both sides are continually doing polls, both sides have a good idea what the true %'s are. If someone had written a play about these 3 days they'd have been locked away in a padded cell, I never for one minute thought I'd ever see people in high office within HM Government act in such a wimpy panic-stricken manner,I now know that we're run by a bunch of weak twats that need as many handers as they can muster to win against the wee quiet skinny guy down the front. We can still win this, perhaps those suffering a lack of confidence should go round the schemes with YES to boost their confidence rather than going on social media and scaring the horses. I can just visualise them all running round behind Obama when Putin says boo to them.
  3. By next Thursday 30% of the electorate will not be using rational thought when casing their vote, regardless of how they choose to vote we're now just plain old Britain, the word Great can no longer be credibly planted in front of the word Britain after the last 3 days.
  4. We're now seeing the polls driving the debate in Scotland.
  5. If someone withdraws a tenner from a Scottish bank they'll turn it into a massive run on the banks,they couldn't give a flying fcuk whether our banks are fcuked next Friday as long as they get a NO, I'm just hoping our population are strong enough and resolute to withstand the onslaught coming our way in the next week.
  6. Watched it last week,I like his site and you learn a lot from the comments section, I actually find most sites comment section more informative than the sites themselves, I'll be buying an anorak at this rate.
  7. That came from Rupert Murdoch on twitter, I wasn't impressed by either of his interventions, the underdog always prefers to score as late as possible, I'm not sure whether he wants to slap Westminster down or just give them a wee black eye to waken them up.
  8. I think perhaps that old Rupert has issues.
  9. There's nothing factual about your position, you really need to look at facts before you spout pish about figures.
  10. Here we go with more mathematical fuckwittery.
  11. Look, I think YES will win, always have, don't let polls decide your mood, if you're actually fighting for what you feel is best why would you give up at the 1st hint of trouble, YES would have given in months ago if we felt like you.
  12. Anything over 45% for YES is a positive with TNS.
  13. He's like the fanny that starts shouting once a couple of people have a firm grip of their opponent, he'll be waiting in the wings to wade back in if those people wrestle the nasty guy to the floor. Still better than Reynard's effort,he just keeps shouting round the corner then running away.
  14. H_B must just have been in to pick up the mail this morning
  15. No, we've been the Faroese who think we can beat the world champions, we were beaten before we started, we were beaten the minute Cameron won the great argument not to have devo max on the balllot paper, we're in injury time and the behemoth still hasn't dispatched us out of the cup, will the diddies sneak it or will the big boys breakaway and deliver a suckerpunch, who knows, I think the diddies can win, you think the behemoth has already won, pleasing.
  16. I see Prof Curtice can't even come up with a post about these polls, 2 weeks in a row he's been hiding for hours, impartial my arse.
  17. I was trying to keep feet on the ground, we're starting to sound like NO at the time when we need to stick together and sound like YES more than ever.
  18. I think they were called on it at the time,we'll be mumbling to ourselves 'til the next one that shows a dip for YES appears.
  19. I'm more worried about jiggerypokery than any poll(always have been, I trust nobody), I see BT canvassers are all using the narrative of speaking to lots of postal voters who've voted NO.
  20. I expect support for YES to fall in the next Yougov poll, 8% is a big swing in 3 weeks.
  21. Makes 2 of us, tbf to SNP and Greens up here, they haven't had a chance to place a full manifesto in front of the electorate to see what they're like.
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