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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. No, other pages on here confirm that some of them ARE proper c***s.
  2. No, "Diamonique with Michelle Mone" showed up on my channel list, it was pleasing listening to her gibber like some wifey at the barras.
  3. FFS, I watched her punting £40 rings on QVC last week, it'll be 6 pairs for a fiver from her shortly.
  4. Peter Evison's a blast from the past.
  5. When is this slight breeze happening? #nationofsofties.
  6. No but it loses its effectiveness and gains lots of irony when a Dundee fan posts the joke.
  7. Only if you're on the losing side. We're terrified in case a few nutters come and kill a few dozen of us, imagine being a Syrian in Rakka at the moment, the poor folk are waiting for Team GB to make it 11 a side.
  8. Have we started our pointless "we'll hit the wee guy to look good to the big guy" bawbaggery yet?
  9. Can't believe we've highly educated people on here blowing the bugle for our efforts in the 1st Gulf War, I can't think of a single intervention in the Middle East that's done more good than harm, in other words I can't think of a genuine success.
  10. In all honesty Wales have been shite for the entirety of my life until Bale popped up, Bale has given them a wee bit of the x factor in recent times but they're only a Bale leg break away from obscurity again. The oval ball carries far far more sway in the majority Wales.
  11. I've followed politics for 30 years and I've not witnessed a more capable politician than Salmond, red or blue and he'd have been a shoe in for PM, thankfully he's a Scottish nationalist.
  12. Why do c***s on here and elsewhere always dress tasteless slagging up as misogyny, racism, homophobia etc. Mone, like many other male/female/black/white/straight/bi/gay/thin/fat/YES/NO people is an attention seeking needy b*****d
  13. No he didn't. he said it was to give Scotland a competitive advantage over rUK while the UK already have the lowest rate against their main competitors.
  14. You're the one posting like the bookies are run by vestal virgins, if a bookie can get out of a £10k payment they will.
  15. Forgive me for having no sympathy with bookies, bookies try their hardest to get out of their obligations, don't know how many thousands I lost on bets placed after the off, nowt wrong with that but they always made a song and dance when one of those bets came in. Had a friend who wrongly placed the same £10 tricast on 4,5 and 6 at the dogs, it came in and paid £94.50 for a £, it took him half an hour on the phone to head office before he was paid out his second £945. As a long term investor in bookies holidays I have zero sympathy with bookies and their contradictory list of rules.
  16. That's a cracking comeback.
  17. He was more accurate the 1st time.
  18. Did I hear Norman Smith accidently using c**t there while talking about UKIP.
  19. I'm quite sure there was one near Gorgie in Edinburgh, must be heaven betting on golf and knowing a long putt has dropped b4 the market knows.
  20. If I was laying bets in play I'd try to ensure that I new the position of the event before everyone else, if I didn't I'd suffer the consequences. Bet365 will lay you odds on every point of a tennis match except quite a few of the major swing points.
  21. UKIP 1.3% of the vote, SNP about 50%.
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