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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I've changed to YES, the people of Scotland are capable of anything, the time has come to throw away the shackles and let the people of Scotland reach their full potential.
  2. Hopefully the guilty parties will be brought to book at some point in the future. Give Maddie justice rather than give her parents financial support please.
  3. Who wouldn't search for their missing child? Who would feel there was someone in their kids room then go back to a tapas bar? Who would run past an entrance to go in the other entrance 50 yards away when something terrible has happened? Who wouldn't remember which entrance they used in vivid detail? Is there a single parent out there that has lost their child for a few minutes and suffered similar feelings of terror when they find out they're overdrawn?
  4. They'll have to pass someone to get a crack at the playoffs.
  5. This thread is turning out to be very cruel, some will be confused if they pull off a cup win, do they run about shouting from the rafters about going to Hampden or do they keep up the pretence of it being a diddy cup, 'mon Morton.
  6. The important bit, he's always achieved roughly what his budget dictated he should, Lee Evans has spunked a fortune for a few months of hope.
  7. There was nothing unfair about it, we preferred the cautious approach at the wrong time of the season, you get what you deserve when you don't show bravery in sport IMHO.
  8. He'll do for that shower, telling the squad in March that they were getting pumped at the end of the season didn't help him in his 1st season up, the 2nd time his lack of belief cost us a comfortable finishing position.
  9. He's got more feet in his gub than an old fashioned mile.
  10. If I were in their shoes I'd be breaking big Reids' door down, his football wasn't always the best but he'd be competitive with the budgets Moore has had at his disposal.
  11. Not brilliant considering your team were challenging for promotion to the top tier 6 months ago, no doubt you'll be their best supporter if they're miraculously challenging for the playoffs in another 6 months.
  12. Oh well, are you lot capable of a whimper this season.
  13. Sadly something we won't have again. At least you'll have something to remind you what your grandsons name is if you remember you're a member on here.
  14. Must be at least 2 million bags of sweets, we'll all have teeth like junkies before Morton return to the top table.
  15. It's only a blip, the giants of the game usually turn it round.
  16. Pleasing, hopefully most Morton fans will look for more, the rest will still think it's a them cup.
  17. We've had lol wut, and seething, they don't divert anyone with more than a pea for a brain, you're sliding quicker than your team.
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