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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Out of kilter with the level of your previous posts, either add something I can think about or entertain yourself in the main GN section.
  2. When I was in action my wife could tell me I was going gambling long b4 it entered my conscious mind, some people appear better able to pick up on small changes in behaviour, as you'll probably guess, I never listened to her.
  3. The young lazy scroungers getting a wee kicking from Osborne, scurrilous.
  4. I don't suffer from depression but I feel the bolded part is exactly the time that sufferers need to have someone near them, easier said than done but I think it's important for suffers to find solutions to stop isolating themselves, in compulsive gambling it's more often than not when your subconsciously heading down the path of gambling again. I wouldn't put myself forward as someone depression sufferers should contact but I'm quite happy for those affected by compulsive gambling to PM me anytime, as those that have contacted me previously would attest(please don't do it, it's your business), I'll be as honest as I can about the shit my head throws up,I'll share my knowledge gained through bitter experience and I'll never declare/intimate that anyone has contacted me with a problem/query even inadvertently, your anonymity is yours and yours alone.
  5. "Together we're more than the sum of our parts". Irrefutably correct and used to great effect to keep the majority who choose not to look deeper onside.
  6. That's the best point you have made, I've no doubt YES will be planning to slowly convince people over the course of the next 10 months.
  7. Do you think anyone will notice Westminster helping us out a wee bit tomorrow if they look to raise the pension age to 70 in the future, we have ~1.09% more of our population over 65 than the rest of the UK, while we have only ~0.43 more of our population over 69. I'll need to take a closer look at differennt probs of people reaching different ages after retirement from all ages b4 retirement to confirm it properly.
  8. YES in half a point on betfair since last week.
  9. Might get a job in the SDFID, just a thought, we're surely not going to turn into a self-centred fcuk everybody else bunch of b*****ds if we vote YES.
  10. There are oddballs throughout all parties, it's just important that people understand that side of the spectrum have plenty to offer, we'll be wanting back in skinter if we just go down the left wing route.
  11. If they all fought as hard for those that voted in their constituencies as Skinner does it would be a far better country IMHO, I'm saying that as someone who ceased voting for Labour within 6 weeks of that smarmy help myself b*****d Tony Blair getting in.
  12. There's nowt wrong with Annabel, somehow Scottish people appear to lose the ability to answer questions once they enter Westminster.
  13. I thought he used to have a wee bit of bounce about him, he looked like a robot the other night.
  14. I was referring to conservatives with a small c post independence, we've too many voters on that side of the fence to just head down a left wing route, I'm certainly not looking for a left thinking Scotland.
  15. I think you've missed out the conservatives among our population, they'll have a greater part to play than most YES voters think they will.
  16. I don't know his views but he's only showing NO the error of their ways, not quite what I'd do if I was an influential person looking for independence.
  17. I must admit that my mind immediately entered the gutter when I read that part.
  18. I think a lot of the problem with the roof was down to soundproofing. I think the 3 storey part was to explain that the walls were very thick. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can add their tuppence worth.
  19. Anyone that knows me knows that I can't really hide my passion when I'm in a discussion, I enjoy it, it isn't the way to influence people though, I'm not even sure what will happen to the SNP in the event of a YES vote, they can't all be on the same side of politics once independence is stripped away. What I do know is that there is enough evidence out there to convince most people to vote YES, it's how the YES campaign produce this evidence that will decide independence, they can't hide major documents like the 1 about oil as easily nowadays.
  20. Good for you, you'll feel better just posting that.
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