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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I've had a quick look at the IPSOS MORI poll. If you weight it on the constituency votes from the 2011 election the results are actually: YES 37.7% NO 49.6% UNDECIDED 12.7% YES 43.2% NO 56.8% I wonder why STV are so against independence.
  2. Too good for Morton, any job's better than nowt if you want to showcase your talents though.
  3. Too right, I would think trying to avoid carnage comes higher up a human beings list than putting out a mayday when you've a few seconds to think, even more salient that he would have known he was more than likely going to die and would most probably be trying to avoid the public getting hurt.
  4. There was more when you drilled down into their figures.
  5. What, do you think the turnout could be laughing at 60 to 80% as well.
  6. Does anyone agree that the turnout will be far far far more than 60%, if the poor people vote YES will win.
  7. Used to have it in a golf club for hole in ones, saved an amazing shot being an expensive 1, it a simple but effective scheme.
  8. Well said. The only thing I'll point out from an ignorant standpoint is that medication is used too freely and group discussions among peers is underestimated.
  9. Scottish people don't like being told we're stupid/incapable, there's only 1 side that create an avalanche and it never says NO.
  10. He could have said, ‘My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask why bother being a country at all?’
  11. You just need to set a fixed starting point £14/£15k and then use a log function, it's quite interesting that the current tax and NI take lumped together follows a log curve quite well except between £100k and £150k.
  12. Does anyone think there's the possibility of the Income Tax and NI system being overhauled in favour of a less complicated and fairer system for all post independence? I think the Employers contribution needs a radical overhaul to stop the march towards a part-time workforce. I'd also like to see 1 tax threshold set around a figure regarded as what's fair to receive for a decent days work.
  13. Will it not be for the families to ease their financial burden?
  14. I'll be quite happy if lots of no voters come on and explain their position, I'm not looking to barrack them as I might actually get educated on areas I've not looked into or looked at in the wrong way, if I can't change their mind it'll be my look out, I'll have to strengthen my arguments or the way I present them.
  15. It's the only thing you've managed to throw into this debate, you came across like an imbecile at times then you put up a very coherent reply to Swampy( doesn't mean you were correct but it was certainly out of kilter with the shite I've read today), I don't know which poster/ex poster you are but you're certainly not new and you're certainly not in here to be serious.
  16. FFS, we're all fcuking racists now. That's a few times you've raised this issue, you haven't raised anything else worthwhile except your perception of Scotland having lots of anti-English people, do one.
  17. At least you've confirmed that he wasn't complimenting me.
  18. I've been on here for years and I don't know him, your speed reading is amazing.
  19. Oh dear, Lamont making a schoolgirl mistake there.
  20. I'm not sure whether that's a compliment or not.
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