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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. The more they spend the less they'll make, stupid fcukers. Who really wants to watch a team winning with their head so far into its chest it comes out their arse?
  2. I think OTB should have a succulent or doom mongerer on every week, it's great entertainment and actually shows up their distinct lack of knowledge in anything outside the Bigot Brothers, it's like throwing a quadriplegic Christian to the lions every time.
  3. Only spoken to 1,he thought the spending was crazy, he's watched plenty of Seaside league matches though.
  4. Has anyone involved at Ibrox ever been to Seaside league game? Whoever thinks you need £5k+ a week players in these divisions is a fcuking idiot. I can't imagine many Newco fans even think this sort of spending is remotely sensible. Who would they have signed if they were in the 1st, Tevez.
  5. I think £2m for the SFL would have been a fair compromise. I'll just have to hope £1m is for baubles.
  6. I'd like to know if baubles were included in the negotiations, not heard much about the baubles since the SFL vote.
  7. Is it Bart Simpson that carries out the SFL negotiations? Are we to believe that new Rangers is worth 1/3rd of SPL games?
  8. Certain clubs will need to rejig for lost attendances but it won't be anything major, a player or 2 on less than usual or a player less in the squad, certainly nothing that closes the gap between the SPL and SFL. I do hope the SPL clubs don't look for much from Newco attendances when they arrive up there, I would think most Newco fans wouldn't like to give a pound of their cash to the SPL clubs in the future.
  9. This is the negative position we've arrived at, a rejigging of budgets for a few seasons in no way improves Scottish football in the long term.
  10. Twas me, that doesn't mean I thought it was only here, there isn't a regular contributor on this thread that hasn't acknowledged the efforts of others. People that follow the thread generally know who thinks what.
  11. You are having a laugh? It was too much weeks ago and they're still there. Once the dust settles their arses will be toast regardless. Do you think they'll manage to shoehorn all these sanctions into the rules or will they just wing it as per?
  12. Of course they should be altered, £4,800 for an SFL3 club is a joke, this is a lost opportunity for the smaller teams, £30/£40k a season could have dramatically improved things at the diddier diddies.
  13. I've highlighted those things that had no bearing on the SPL's decision.
  14. If it wasn't for the sheer speculation on here Rangers would be kicking off their SPL campaign next week rather than Newco playing at Brechin this Sunday.
  15. How bad a deal have the SFL signed? SPL sign a shocking deal that works out at ~£1.22 per match day viewer. SFL accept a deal that equates to Newco games attaining an average match day audience of ~ 22,000, 14% of the viewers they provided for non-OF SPL games. ~£0.17 per viewer if Newco attained the same audience figures. Are we really saying that Newco will only attain ~75% of the match audience a meaningless Killie v Motherwell game managed? We'd be better with Bert and Ernie doing our fcuking negotiating with Elmo drawing up the contracts.
  16. Really can't get over how bad a deal the SFL have accepted. I'm as angry now as at any point during this shambles.
  17. We would have been better just letting everyone shag our arse weeks ago rather than all the bluster . We're now virtually at the status quo with a shiny club debt free and SPL clubs getting it easier than ever. When offered that pittance the retort should have been "shove your cash up your arse and fcuk off, you will not be showing any SFL games". I don't even think these fcukers could work in Asda without being shown up.
  18. Away and don't talk crap, plenty of wonga for Newco going through the divisions, apart from the games against Celtic the TV audiences will be comparable with Oldco in the SPL.
  19. It had better be considerably more than their settlement or plenty of innovative changes to structure, voting etc.
  20. We were only at Scottish football levels before the SFL vote, we're now attaining the "world class" tag.
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