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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Can't argue about Livi, my memory is shit. I don't know if they can survive now, I did think they could make a profit if run correctly, they will still have a huge turnover.
  2. From my memory of the Livi situation, the authorities don't really give a shit whether the div 3 clubs lose money or not out of a team folding mid-season, could be doing the authorities a disservice, but, I don't think I am.
  3. Not an accountant either but I've no doubt they could have shown a profit with a squad of 25 on £1500 PW, they appear to prefer the "we'll spend like we're still competing with Celtic" model.
  4. I just hope the SFL get their rules changed sharpish so any club coming into it for financial reasons is automatically down to the 3rd.
  5. If Celtic moved to the SFL tomorrow the SPL would be as irrelevant as it made the SFL.
  6. Why don't Newco win friends and influence people by stating they will be remaining in the SFL and the SPL clubs are welcome to join them.
  7. I wish Scottish football could return to being run like a bowling club because this is getting embarrassing now. Some of these SPL fcukers will try anything to avoid living within their means.
  8. I wasn't really commenting on the woe is me part, hardly anyone earning a living in football has came out of this episode looking anything other than "do whatever preserves my income and I'll be happy", this situation is totally down to the fans and a few brave people like Turnbull Hutton and SainteeinAsia etc.
  9. The Ayr Gold cup field could ride through the regs I've read over the last 2 or 3 weeks, our blazers don't even have a mechanism to stop a new team entering the SFL at the highest level without a vote.
  10. I actually agree with the sentiment of McCoists statement, it's starting to feel like bullying in an attempt to make up for the SFA's shamateur behaviour of the past few weeks. It seems to me that the SFA were adamant about newco in div 1 so they could demote them to div 3. I'd much rather they introduced financial regs to stop this shit happening again rather wait and hammer teams after the fact. How many Admins/liquidations will it take before we actually have clear guidelines in place to avoid this shit that we've witnessed.
  11. Good draw, we can congratulate The Bully Wee then hand them their arse on a plate.
  12. Quite sure Stagecoach have had a wee shot at banning buses to Bellsbank/Dalmellington, pretty sure it is now a heavily subsidised route. Think it was actually cheaper to pay to Dallmellington than it was to get off earlier.
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