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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. It was just the wee toeing the party line I was answering, you are correct about Traytor though, he'll be along shortly with his proclamations as he always covered every base with a wee throwaway as a get out for later.
  2. I think we're giving Traytor and Co too much credit, I don't think for a minute that your Traytors of this world actually knew how bad things really were, and anything they did learn was probably gleaned from social media.
  3. The 2 guys that were interviewed after the debenture meeting were gutted that they had to vote for the end of Rangers, they got it, why haven't the rest of them grasped this weeks later?
  4. Nah, I expect phrases like. "I put £x into the fighting fund" "I watched them right through the divisions" after all, we've all met the 3 million that attended during the early 80's, I've never met one that stated, " I stopped going then because we were pish".
  5. The very people, Traytor and Co, we've quite rightly lambasted are the cause of their demise, they were too busy telling anyone that would listen that this couldn't happen and that couldn't happen but liquidation is still a possibility as an after thought, ask any Livi fan when they felt their club was safe.
  6. I'd think a group of Ayr dwelling Rangers fans could have competed with Green & Co, si I've no idea why they couldn't compete worldwide, arrogance mibbee.
  7. I've gave up trying to second guess things, this saga should give all the kids a good grounding for the real world, fcuk your studies, just go out there and lie your arse off with with a knowing air.
  8. That's them already slain 1 giant, Airdrie lying down to their wee team, shameful.
  9. Of course, they were all the ones that stuck around. I've yet to meet one that admits to walking away, a bit like folk that choose a bad period as their start date to mitigate the gloryhunting jibe.
  10. If you're an auld fart like myself you don't need to see it, they did walk away.
  11. Aye, but Accies were talking from a blusnose perspective not an Accies one back then.
  12. Look, the SPL baw is burst, you can continue to kick it around all you like, eventually someone else will trip over it, if it's admin they'll be fine, liquidation and they'll be scrambling around trying to purchase a diddy. Only a fool doesn't fork out for a shiny new baw.
  13. It was as simple as asking the largest team(Dundee) how much they made of a match day, £40k times 18 to get £720k, Sevco won't even be asked for a quarter of that, if anything,which is more likely as Livi put up no bond in the 3rd, obviously nobody in power gives a shit wether the 3rd division clubs lose money.
  14. That'll be fine, we've always got room for the smug c***s, see you soon, don't dare cry.
  15. Aye right, Livi were asked fro more and they had nowhere near the running costs of Newco, this bond is to mitigate not fcuking kid us on. Mind you, going by Livi's statement of the time Newco will pay 18 times the matchday income of the largest earners in the division, buttons then.
  16. Oldco own that share, Newco aren't in the equation unless I missed something, easy on here right enough.
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