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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Correct, and if the blazers and their operators could remove their heads from their arses they might be able to see that bright new dawn shining brightly over in the corner.
  2. That'll depend on the vote regarding part (ii) unless you know something I don't.
  3. Only a fcuking dimwit would take the shilling on nothing more than a conmans' promise. Some people are just so naive, I'm quite sure you're Turnbull's etc will be looking for no wriggle room guarantees on things before they give an inch.
  4. That could be a great wee way for clubs to earn some additional income. Also think fans should spend an extra pound more than they usually do at every game, a pie, snack,drink, programme or whatever else you don't usually buy could just stop teams tipping over the edge.
  5. Not worried in the slightest. I am worried about what happens after today.
  6. Fcuking chancer. Neat, out the box marketing techniques are to be applauded. Hope you get the interest you require.
  7. Hope you're sitting comfortably H_B, spot on, hammers, nails, heads and all that. I don't expect them in div 3 either, I do, unlike some, think that after this vote is when the proper negotiations should begin for the betterment of our game. Todays vote should probably have been delayed a week to allow a more cohesive and sensible set of proposals to be put forward. Our game's in such a state that gerrymandering is a very real/highly likely scenario after todays vote.
  8. Chairman’s Blog 13/07/2012 Chairman’s Blog Well, the last few weeks have been interesting. We have hadThe SPL vote in a sham of a meeting that due to “sporting integrity” they weregoing to evict Newco Rangers from the SPL. All the while, they knew fine wellthat voting to allow them to stay wasn’t going to be allowed to happen and havesince passed the buck and laid their problem at the SFL’s door. Since that point, they have applied considerable pressurethreatening the loss of all of our income and emotional blackmail aboutfootball collapsing and it being all the SFL’s fault. To be honest, it’s notsurprising based on past dealings with the SPL, but here we are and what do wedo? Today’s vote is monumental in the history of Scottishfootball and it’s not without a great deal of stress and debate amongst ourboard and input from shareholders, season ticket holders and supporters that wehave come up with our votes for the three agenda items placed before our onerepresentative at today’s meeting. We will vote yes to allowing Newco Rangers into the SFL asan associate member and agree to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the league2012/13. The logic behind this is that they have the facilities and fan basethat the league is looking for. The fact that it could go against the rule bookis a question for the SFL and not us. We will vote no on the agenda item that allows Rangers intothe 3rd division, but 1st division if the SFL board agree terms with the SPLand SFA on measures “improving” the game. Our representative has beeninstructed that if the agenda item is altered to allow Rangers into the 3rddivision full stop, that we will vote yes, but not on any agenda item thatallows Rangers into the 1st. Finally, we will vote yes to allow either Dunfermline orDundee to resign from the SFL and be admitted to the SPL for the upcomingseason. A lot has been said in the press etc. about what is rightand wrong, but my personal opinion is that Rangers are/were one of 42professional football clubs in Scotland and should be treated as any one of the41 other clubs would be. I did not appreciate the bullying and threats thathave come from above and part of the problem in our professional game is theunbalanced structure. By the way, I have started writing from my point of viewbecause that is exactly what it is. It is not necessarily the view of AyrUnited FC. I don’t think anyone believes that if it were any other SPLClub besides Celtic that there would be anywhere near this level of pressureetc. and it is partly because of this that we have voted the way we have. If Rangers do end up voted into the 3rd division, it islikely that an SPL2 will be attempted. So, just for the record (and I hope thesarcasm is clear) the body that is doing such a sterling job of running the topleague in our country is going to further try to decimate the SFL by setting upanother league and forcing the teams left behind to grovel for crumbs. I hope that whatever decision is taken tomorrow will beallowed to stand without interference or lawsuits etc., and we will accept anydecision either way by the democratic process set up by the SFL. We may notagree with the outcome, but if it is made by the SFL by a transparent vote,then I am satisfied. I would like to say that I think David Longmuir and the SFLboard have been stitched up here, but they have handled themselves well underthe circumstances. I sat on that board for a few years and I know for a factthat David, and all of the others who make up the board from the various clubsin Scotland are supporters of the game and believe in the integrity of the gameitself. He has been put under unbelievable public pressure and although somepress have tried to bundle him in with the other two, he will do what is theright thing by going with the wishes of the 30 clubs that make up the SFL. Finally, and this is important. If our wishes come true andRangers do enter the SFL in the 3rd division, we will be under immediatefinancial pressure as we will automatically lose over 60k immediately. That 60kis already spent in this years playing budget. Ayr United will not make it through the season if we don’tfind a way to make up that loss. So, we have decided to vote based on what isright, but meanwhile are aware that it has the possibility of collapsing us asa club. That is where all of you who have written, called and emailed the clubcan help by purchasing season tickets, encouraging people to attend matches andsponsoring your club in all the various ways possible. I have appreciated all of the correspondence that we havereceived from our supporters. (I could have done without the hundreds of emailsfrom supporters of other clubs) and we have taken your views into account whenmaking our decision. It’s a huge financial risk for us, but I personally thinkthat if we are to make it through this season in tact that it is betterstanding for what is right than selling our souls and the integrity of the gameto appease those at the top who have already done their best to dismantle thegame since 1998. I’m a big Scotland supporter and I don’t think it’s acoincidence that we haven’t been to a major finals since the SPL was formed. Hopefully tomorrow’s vote is binding and there is no monkeybusiness that further tarnishes all of us in the sport, and I like most that Ihave heard from hope it’s the right one. Lachlan Cameron TELT
  9. I like shopping, it's me that knows where everything is upon entering the supermarket not the wife. That'll not fit in with your perception of myself right enough. Fat loudmouthed arseholes are capable of shopping without coercion.
  10. So my point about diving etc is different from changing the rules to suit the cheat? It's usually only my dogs I need to give a wee pat of reassurance. Does everyone who disagrees do this, can't say I've noticed too many, even then I've intervened, have you intervened to ease it for someone of an opposing view? Because, as I've posted quite a few times during this fcuk up of a situation, I don't do cheating, that's as simple as it is, do you make a living out of football as it's only those folks that struggle to get that concept? If Newco get into the 1st then fail to get promoted what happens? Another rejig to suit them or will referees get new instructions in the latter weeks of the season if Newco appear to be struggling? Reread that part. Make up your mind.
  11. Am I to assume that your beloved refs overlook this cheating, or as is right, try to punish it. Have you been rimming Doncasters hole? A football tourist wouldn't spend 44 seasons touring the same place. See that wee section that states that ~30% of my posts have been in general nonsense( slowly coming to the realisation it might be 100% right enough), that shows that 30% of my time on here is spent not bothering about football. Don't do season tickets, their for folk that accept any old shite. When you've dragged yourself along to the dross I've been subjected to post Barr you can appreciate what real fans put up with, East Stirling get more respect from me than any other clubs as they're having to watch dross a large % of the time. You'll be one of the arses that get to the SPL then all of a sudden your one of the self preservation brigade, not surprised that so many diddies choose that route upon promotion, my generation have brought up a generation who want something and don't care how they get it so long as they get it.
  12. Let me set it out in stages. I have never cheated at any sport I've participated in and I'm not going to accept chicanery to suit some arse pieces within Scottish football. I'm perhaps a wee bit unusual in that I've never deliberately fouled an opponent in a game of football, I even consider shirt tugging as cheating, but due to the spineless self serving fcukers running football, I've to put up with diving, fouling, and cheating fcukers kicking the ball out of play then sticking their hand up to claim the decision before getting stuck into officials. If I choose to walk away from Scottish football I'll decide whether I'll continue posting on here, and if I continue it'll have fcuk all to do with you. When someone starts to pay my entrance fee they might be entitled to comment on my attendance or lack of it, 'til then I'll choose what I do with my time and money.
  13. It's ok, I'll be pedantic, Oldco lost 10 points that didn't lose them a finishing position in the league, nowt has happened to Newco except getting a wee helping hand from everyone, now fcuk off back to the juniors 'til you can see the wood.
  14. It's usually Deborah Meaden that follows Theo, we'll get Duncan or James Caan backing Thommo up.
  15. My fcuk, we've to wait until November and hope the 4 don't out vote our 3, away n bile yer fcuking heeds. Do these fcukers really believe Traynors line about us all being 14 year olds in our attics. I'd trust Gary Glitter in a creche before I'd trust the SPL and SFA. I'm getting really fcuking scunnered with all this pish. Get guarantees about voting share, cash distribution, minimum league size etc before we even start any discussions on Friday or we will be sold down the swanee along with our entrance money. I'm sorry WKR, you're stuck with MJ for the time being.
  16. And anyone that can only see the worst case scenario really shouldn't be involved in sport.
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