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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. How many pages would you like me to trawl through. I'm going post Regan's what a knob quote. They were entitled to think great my fcuking club's done the right thing immediately after the vote.
  2. That's why I used grander scheme, a club like East Stirling losing 100 fans is like Killie losing 1,000's. Don't sell the diddy fans short, every one is worth a hundred gloryhunters any day of the week.
  3. I wouldn't be too harsh on Thommo, hasn't made many mistakes, unfortunately it was your club that he chose to make one. Far rather have him making a similar mistake with regard to Ayr than have virtually no media fighting our corner.
  4. I have only saw about 2 posters honestly saying it's over to the SFL, and one of them is wanking himself rotten as he tours whichever country he happens to be in.
  5. See the Dumbarton guy that said his club losing 300 fans is no big deal in the grander picture, HE IS WRONG, 300*18*£10 =£54,000 away every season, the TV deal will only disappear for a wee while. Fuckers like you don't give a flying about any of the diddies, you're in your own wee world where only 2 teams are in the clique and only 2 teams should ever be in the clique. Apologies to the decent fans of the Rangers incarnation but this arsehole is exactly the type that has football fans like myself hating the arse cheeks.
  6. You're not actually doing your club any favours today. You should be on a separate thead battering away about the disinformation your club dished out it's shareholders, fans etc.
  7. Get ready to be surprised. If they're in the 1st the SPL clubs will need to sell their souls to the SFL.
  8. No, they should take as much of the annual settlement as they're entitled to AND sign a 3 year TV deal for what it's worth.
  9. No, but I'd kiss their fcuking arse for having an even bigger pair of balls than they've already shown.
  10. You've been had then. The real clause will explain where they grabbed that £3million figure from to batter the clubs with. Fly b*****ds.
  11. Yep, if the wife was doing that all day there would be no housework done.
  12. The problem in this instance was the love for blazer and the lifestyle it provided.
  13. What if governance isn't followed? One of the main movers n shakers in Livi's demotion had already sold his shares in an SFL team, he could not have declared that or he'd have been removed from his position.
  14. It shouldn't, but surely a board member of club A shouldn't hold shares in a living club B, morally wrong.
  15. The SFA suit themselves, it's not long ago a prominent board member had no shares in the club he was representing.
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