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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Probably nearer the truth, although I think his duty as a director had more to do with it.
  2. I've jovially called MJ agent Johnston in the past, that piece makes me wonder if he is an Ayr fan. Why on earth did he abstain? Given the choices: (a) Vote YES, get wrath of the fans and they're not allowed into the SPL anyway. (b)Vote NO, keep fans happy and they're not allowed into SPL anyway. ©ABSTAIN, pisses of the fans and they're not allowed into the SPL anyway.
  3. What are the running costs of Ibrox etc? What is the current player wage bill? How many players do the have? What is the current non playing staff wage bill? How many non playing staff do they have? How much do they save if they pay 25 players £1500 a week? If they intend on paying players 10's of £000's a week they won't be able to cover it obviously.
  4. Only another 2500 and odd pages and you can answer xp***kinTopAroDiesx
  5. Ach, just tell them they turn you on so much you can't control yourself.
  6. I think this is all just part of Murrays' cunning 25 year plan to own his beloved Ayr United. Do I win?
  7. A wee question to the more knowledgeable on here, why the fcuk do rules need to be written in such a manner that it causes confusion. My brain computes in gobbledygook and I need to read things things like that a few times to understand what they are actually saying. I don't really understand how you can vote on part (iii) before part (i) for example, certainly never spotted anywhere in their rules that stated, "we will put forward proposals in any old order and shuffle them about when we feel like it."
  8. It's a bloody disgrace that large organisations can't provide rules that a horse and carriage couldn't be driven through.
  9. Think we need HJ, he did say that the questions can be asked in any order, so I'd assume you vote on each part separately.
  10. Can you confirm/obliterate my assumption that Newco require 75% of the vote on proposal (i) this Friday due to this proposal raising the SFL to 31 teams.
  11. Not sure if I'm correct here or not, I think the SFL and their lawyers have made a huge mistake here. They have put the Dundee/Dunfermline issue in at (iii), obviously as a wee guarantee, ie, the SFL vote against (i) the SPL just make Newco club 12. The work of your typical insidious conning b*****d, we've all accepted that. But, how can the vote on question (i) be a simple majority, unless I'm missing a biggy, the order of questions constitutes a new structure ie 31 teams in the SFL, 75% required for that if I'm not mistaken. Don't think they can have their cake and eat it, as much as they feel they can.
  12. Players are interested in the £'s, nowt else. Not saying that's wrong but their voice means nowt.
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