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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I actually thought Cosgrove took it easy, obviously he's not into ridicule as much as I am, fcuk I'm losing my humility again.
  2. Should that not be Traynor, Turnbull will be heading down to do a number on you right now.
  3. I didn't have him in the ok Rangers fan group, w****r that he is, he showed his mental agility last night, well rodgered by Cosgrove.
  4. I'll cut to the point. I think this a time for all the decent fans of all 42 senior clubs to come together and try and get our game back. I don't want to send Newco to the 3rd with attachments as a punishment, they are a new club, starting off in the 3rd should suffice. Aye, if they survive they'll be at the top of the tree at some point, so what, I don't support Ayr to win trophies every year, I support them because I love football. After next weeks vote all 42 clubs need to sit down and restructure the whole of Scottish football for the betterment of the game not the cash. I don't think fans should be boycotting Killie for an as good as NO vote, they should get rid of MJ right enough, football not cash from now on. Our game needs to reintroduce a system that allows the diddies to step onto the rollercoaster that Scottish football should be not the closed shop it's tried to be, dosn't work. Fcuk the money men, fcuk the knuckledraggers, fcuk the self interest, I want proper, unfettered, competitive and straight football to watch, wherever my team fall in the cycle.
  5. Trust me, there are 10's of thousands of fcukers like them, they'll be sleeping fine, they don't have a conscience.
  6. I do know what the different words mean. We'll see what would exist. This is not just chat, chat is what nobodies like myself do down the pub, this is coming from the Chief Executive of the SFA, it maY well be a scare tactic but it's not the way you'd expect things to be conducted by the high head ones in the SFA.
  7. You can continue down the it's not our problem line all you like, it's hard not to think carve up whenever your read Regan's threats.
  8. Aye, mibbee not a good example. I'm just not ruling out any levels of skullduggery after that piece from Regan.
  9. The vote was not in any conflict with Sevco playing in the 2nd tier, the SFA are just showing that the diddier diddies count for fcuk all. Yes, the choice of which 2nd tier Sevco play in, not much of a choice. I think we are saying the SFA are up to their ears in it. It's shit like that the authorities will be hoping for, they know how easily distracted football fans are.
  10. They'll just pick the teams they want regardless of what they voted for. Do you think Morton are going to say no when they know Ayr are next in line to be asked, don't be daft, you'd be slaughtering your board if you were playing Port Glasgow in a few weeks.
  11. Starting to feel the same, came on here in a hope the fans don't turn on Killie as all the diddies will need every £ after that vote kind of mood 'til I stumbled on Regan's comments.
  12. What constitutes bringing the game into disrepute? FFS, managers dare to call it as they see it and they're done.
  13. Regan says different. The formation of an SPL2 will be pursued in order to accommodate the Ibrox club if they are rejected by the SFL next week. If the SFA start a SPL2 they'll have the choice to join or head to the juniors, enough will twitch. If the SFL vote newco to the 3rd the SPL will be sucking boabies to get an SPL2 up and running.
  14. If Regan's to believed, all todays vote has done is guarantee the SPL clubs their desired outcome, Sevco out of the league for the minimum desired time and all their fans are happy, win win for the SPL.
  15. I'm sure they'll get enough volunteers if that's all that's on offer. I think Turnbull Hutton was trying to let us know something fishy was happening.
  16. The guys voting may or may not have known this but they were just going through the motions as the SFL will be doing. If the SFL vote for the 3rd we get SPL2 with Sevco in tier 2, if they vote them into the 1st we get Sevco in the 2nd tier with bells on. What sort of vote is that? Wouldn't shock me if they left MJ out of the loop due to his previous outspokenness.
  17. The formation of an SPL2 will be pursued in order to accommodate the Ibrox club if they are rejected by the SFL next week. That's the money shot.
  18. You'll be a wee bit let down, once the Traytor entered the programme went south.
  19. Regan’s remarkable comment came as he insisted admission to the First Division is now the only viable option. He also made the startling warning of “social unrest” if Rangers cease to exist. But Regan last night bluntly asserted that Scottish football simply cannot afford to have Rangers outwith the top two tiers of the league structure, with his argument not confined to the commercial impact their absence would have. “Without Rangers, there is social unrest and a big problem for Scottish society,” claimed Regan. “They have a huge fan base and to contemplate the situation where those fans don’t have a team to support, where those fans are effectively left without a game to follow, I just think that could lead to all sorts of issues, all sorts of problems for the game. “Tribalism in football is really important. It is part of the game. People follow their clubs with pride, it is passed down from generation to generation. There are thousands of Rangers fans whose fathers and parents and grandfathers have been Rangers fans. You can’t contemplate a situation without that and if Rangers weren’t to exist that could have real dire consequences. “The SPL have now decided that Rangers won’t be coming back into the SPL. From our perspective it’s important we set out the landscape because there is only one solution for the game now. “The only solution for the game now is that Rangers come into the Scottish Football League and they come into it in the First Division. If Rangers were to go anywhere other than the First Division, then there would something in the region of £15.7 million worth of losses to the game. “For the bigger clubs at the top of the league, that’s half their annual distributions. For clubs at the bottom it is basically wiping out their entire distributions, for some of the smaller clubs it’s a huge proportion of their annual turnover. “The same will be true for most clubs. Perhaps clubs could survive for a short period of time but it’s not sustainable. Even if Rangers end up in the First Division, there is still going to be a £5 million loss of income to the SPL clubs. The game is not sustainable so there would be a slow lingering death for the game in Scotland. It would then trickle down to the SFL. From our perspective as the governing body and we cannot allow that to happen. “If we allowed that to happen, it would simply be a dereliction of duty. Therefore, this whole decision-making process has been one of the most challenging and complex decisions that I have ever been involved in in 27 years of business as sport. “Some clubs in the SFL are afraid of the implications of the decisions. There is the moral argument, the fear of a fans’ backlash and there are financial implications to consider. But when we look at the alternative, it is not possible to think about it without thinking of the game withering on the vine. We cannot contemplate that and the message has to be that Division One for Rangers is the only show in town as far as the future of Scottish football is concerned.” Regan admits the influence of television contracts, which are largely predicated on the presence of Celtic and Rangers in the Scottish game, are the biggest single factor in his determination to ensure the Ibrox club drop no lower than the First Division. “We have had dialogue with the broadcasters,” he added, “and we understand what the various stakeholders from Sky television, ESPN, Sport Five and a number of the SPL’s other commercial partners are likely to do in the event Rangers are not in either of the top two tiers. It’s not pretty. That’s why we cannot sit back and let that happen without trying to get all parties to accept this is the only solution which can keep the game afloat. “Without Old Firm games, the value drops, the overseas deals are almost exclusively about the Old Firm derby and that would go immediately. Then you look at the rest of the game and what it is worth. It is fair to say the broadcasters would live with a year without Rangers in the SPL, because it could be a fantastic story for them, which is why I think First Division rights will be an interest as people will want to see how this club is going to bounce back.” Regan conceded, however, that there can be no guarantee a financially weakened Rangers will climb back to the top flight at the first attempt. “If Rangers don’t get promoted, then the game has got another year to suffer with the financial consequences that brings,” he said. “I can’t predict what will happen, because Rangers at the moment are a weakened team because of everything that has gone on. “They are a newco at the moment, they have got very few players on their books. They are going to be entering the SFL in whatever division with a weakened team and I don’t think it’s by any means certain they are going to come back in the way they or their fans might like them to recover. “It’s going to be a slow recovery to get back to the football fitness they have shown in the past. So we can’t look into the future and say ‘what if they don’t operate in a certain way?’. We can only look at building the foundations, to change the game for the better and provide an infrastructure that can bring financial certainty to the other 41 clubs.” Regan confirmed that sanctions will apply to newco Rangers in the First Division and also made it clear the formation of an SPL2 will be pursued in order to accommodate the Ibrox club if they are rejected by the SFL next week. “The SFA have to transfer Rangers’ membership from oldco to newco,” he said. “That can be done with any conditions attached to it that the SFA board deem fit. We would expect a newco to carry some of the sanctions which would have related to the club had it still been in the previous incarnation. The membership cannot be transferred on financial grounds alone. It has to have a degree of sporting integrity and that meanssporting sanctions.” Some of the shit Regan, Chief Executive of the SFA has said. Hoodwinked is the 1st word that enters my head.
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