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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I can only imagine what P&B would have been like 30 or 40 years ago, youngsters today know far more about things than your average youngster did back then.
  2. I think Thumper is one that worked it out for himself, hope I've not got him confused with someone else.
  3. I fully understand everyone has a different upbringing, that's why I'm not allowing the rocket to pigeon hole everyone into his upbringing.
  4. You're probably correct, where I was brought up was very rough and I still feel like I had a sheltered upbringing.
  5. I'm taking your greeny is an affirmation that at least one of them introduced chairs Thumper.
  6. I remember mistiming a tackle right on the Dalmellington touchline, the fcukers were baying for blood. I think at least one of my 2 local amateur teams have been banned for introducing chairs onto the field of play.
  7. Don't knock it, I'm delighted I spent my 1st 23 years within a stones throw of Somerset.
  8. I think they might get bigger audiences than normal just so the diddies can make sure it actually happened.
  9. The list is a long one, couldn't imagine being a Catholic in Drongan with a union jack on every lamp post during marching season.
  10. I've now spent the last 23 years living in villages, a different world from Ayr as far as bigotry goes, it would be very difficult not end up following Rangers if you're a proddy in these villages, fair play to the Ayr and Killie fans that have managed to make the right move.
  11. They'll always make a special case for them. I would far rather go to games than watch them on telly, can only imagine getting used to watching them on the telly rather than attending if I watched them on the box. I prefer getting up on a Saturday morning with no intention of heading to Peterhead, then come about 11 running about like a dafty to get up there for 3pm.
  12. When did anyone post that it didn't/doesn't exist? I regularly post in a very angry manner against both sides of that shit, doesn't mean I knew about it when I was growing up.
  13. I was separated from them all, I walked past Braehead to go to Newton Park, perhaps everyone in Lochside thinks I'm a catholic.
  14. Ordinarily I would agree but I don't see screening the away games having adverse affect on the crowds at those games, the curiosity value and small grounds should see full houses at most grounds.
  15. Also liked the wee snippet from Yorkston, as I said immediately after the decision, Dunfermline should be compensated and do away with anything else that can interfere with the football.
  16. And I'll stick with WFAANW. A we asterix to explain they cheated and had honours removed would do me.
  17. Still talking pish. Never watched the news or read papers, i was out all day playing football, it's what we did in my day. I was 14 when the Ricki Fulton sketches and riot took place according to google. Look at your own reasons for being aware at an early age b4 you disbelieve others. As for Boney M, I haven't got a clue what song you're talking about, it actually took me a wee while to realise what Sunday Bloody Sunday was about as I was so unbothered about all that stuff back then.
  18. You're still talking pish. What you really mean is that you knew early doors so everyone else must be the same,bollocks. I wore Rangers, Celtic, Leeds, Birmingham and Ayr strips and can't remember anyone commenting one way or the other. Life for a kid was a lot more innocent 30 or 40 years ago, my dad preferred to get me a Rangers and Celtic ball at the same time, he was obviously playing safe but he never mentioned it to me. And 30 or 40 years ago the young ladies of Wellington would only have been interested in popping their cherry.
  19. He goes totally off the rails after she's addied a few notches.
  20. You talk some pish. I never knew what that shit was 'til I was a teenager, there are fans of every club that are decent and not fed bigoted pish from the womb. And don't bother coming back with you're not a Rangers/Celtic fan, every team sang those shitty songs, doesn't mean you actually care what they mean when you just go to watch football as a kid.
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