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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Sevco can just play in the juniors then, the SFL should just tell them to get to fcuk. Time to disband the SFA,SPL and SFL and start again, the SFA can shove their optimality right up their well lubed shite chute.
  2. Very disappointed in todays events, it would appear that todays vote was just a sham. Are these fcuking blazers representing our football teams or are they just doing as they please? I would urge fans to take direct action to disrupt games if Regan and his cronies get their way, who the fcuk does he think he is?
  3. Oops,before I forget. Can the mods move this thread now, it's in the wrong forum.
  4. I know the ballot may have been secret but they still have to tell you how many voted Yes,No, Abstained. Do you think the janny just announces the result without any proof.
  5. I'd be staggered if anyone other than Newco voted YES, even an abstention is suicidal as far as fans go.
  6. I spoke to a sensible Gers fan yesterday, he was looking forward to travelling round the seaside leagues as he had such a great time at diddy club in the cup. This could be the refreshing change our game badly needs.
  7. No, he just thinks his team have a divine right to play in the SPL, this was is and always will be the position of SPL clubs and some their supporters. The Motherwells of this world bring no more to the table than your average SFL 1 club but you wouldn't know it.
  8. I really think that any new dawn should see the SFL have 51% + of the voting rights. This whole sorry episode has shown up the SPL and SFA for what they really are.
  9. Diddies getting into financial difficulties and slipping out of the SPL to be replaced by another diddy is not armageddon, unless armageddon = refreshing.
  10. Just happened to read this article the other day. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/7094087/BBC-does-not-know-how-much-it-spends-on-events-NAO-report-finds.html I'm quite sure if you averaged out the spend for events it would be well do-able and the BBC have a penchant for excessively spending OPM.
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