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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Those groupings won't cover it, I'd manage to cope for a bit longer.
  2. I did have a wee laugh last night about us having 3 folk in ICU and Nicola telling us we're not allowed out.
  3. Like him, I'd assume that they haven't been topped up to precovid levels, who on earth would put their elderly relatives in a care home at the moment if they didn't have houses and baubles to leave.
  4. How many folk on here are pockling his mum ffs.
  5. Of course that will play a part but the numbers behind that are falling and will fall, can't turn back the clock.
  6. Good numbers on care home deaths, 34% to 13% off all deaths since turn of the year, hhhooooollllllllldddddddddd.
  7. Don't know where you're getting that from, I posted weeks ago that I favoured the "survival of the fittest approach".
  8. That will be fine if you're the one making the decisions, have you been at the lectern yet?
  9. Your venues will be some of the harder problems to overcome IF we've to live with SD going forward, my point about entrepreneurs was more about solutions to overcome SD. Drive by most hospitality venues and you'll see a few fans stuck to an outside wall, inside you'll likely see tables and chairs alongside some built in booths, currently most will have some forms of perspex dotted about, the fans and perspex are their to control and adjust the airflow in these venues, I'm just a layman but surely their must be the possibility of innovation creating a new way to control airflow whilst extracting and or neutralising any airborne nasties, having a booth that has no perspex separating it from the next one but rather an invisible pod created by a new system that keeps most of the crap from moving between different sections. The above, if possible, wouldn't eradicate Covid or similar in a venue but it would reduce it significantly.
  10. What is the point in having a panel who are only receiving presentations from certain people, surely you need input from all corners, even those that are perceived as moon howlers.
  11. Little surprise, I would think these groups will always attract more of your typical busy body types, they're the type that applaud the Philpy's of this world.
  12. Perfect for the demographics of this place.
  13. Probably some SNP amendment to preclude them from voting for it, they all love playing that game.
  14. The briefings would bore you to tears, 5 or 6 one liners and a cheerio would suffice most days. She could announce 1000 deaths a day up here and most peoples subconscious would just do a shrug.
  15. This place is full of fucking zoomers, how on earth can so many have a heads gone at that announcement, we've known for weeks what she was going to announce. If anything she gave wee glimmers that weren't expected,
  16. We'll still take it if that's what they say is required, your view is in the minority on these islands atm.
  17. Most of the things I've posted that are attracting lots of seethe about are correct, you can't polish a turd.
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