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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. We'll I'm not convinced that the previous cutoffs for the different levels will be the same this time.
  2. You can see furlough continuing until August? I don't know when furlough will end that's just my personal outside date for those things happening, no point in me setting a target that will not or is unlikely to materialise, I prefer Conservative targets.
  3. Unfortunately we can't predict the future, only what we think will happen. There's nothing more tedious in Scottish politics than watching all these washouts trying to catch her out rather than question her about things that really matter.
  4. Because our MSM and opposition parties are a bunch of b*****ds. I wouldn't give out much that they could hold me to account with.
  5. I don't think they will, think the house party crew might push pubs back a bit in the queue, will probably depend on how it all plays out in their election planning, it shouldn't but I'm quite sure that it will be in their considerations.
  6. If I was Sturgeon the last thing I'd do is give out too many dates or criteria for opening things up and to what extent, that's a no win game in Scottish politics for the SNP. FWIW, I'm pretty confident I'll be eating and drinking out before August is finished, if it happens earlier I'll be delighted and if it happens later then I'll worry about it then, not convinced that the order of opening up will be the same as the last time.
  7. Those handling it best are idiots, those posting in anger are not the angry ones, it's all happening on here tonight, think I'll leave it to Boris and Nicola.
  8. The idiots are the ones who deal with it the most successfully, good one.
  9. I would be shocked if they've not been keeping an eye on those figures for all or most of this pandemic, I'd assume that it's an important figure in the projections.
  10. No but he appears to have got more correct than the welter brains on here that rubbished everything he posted, he'll certainly not be surprised that we'll be living with restrictions of some sort for the next year or so.
  11. Was there not a poster on here a year ago suggesting all this stuff, think the sniffleratti were urging for him to be banned, apparently everything he posted was pish.
  12. Time folk just accepted that restrictions of some sort or the other will be here we'll into next year, we can vote for who we like in a few months but that won't change much apart from tinkering round the edges of restrictions.
  13. I have to admit, I like the candour of Jason' contributions, you can bet your boots that the Witty's of this world will have a similar message that they rejig to fit Boris's narrative. We're still only reacting to covid rather than having a plan going forward, don't see that changing as we're tied to the Westminster people pleasers.
  14. One side being overly pessimistic and the other being the opposite.
  15. Used to do 2/3rds of sentences over 4 years. No doubt a tag after 40 months would probably happen.
  16. Prestwick vaccinations moved to Ayr Citadel, apparently due to Phizer use instead of AZ, don't know the reason.
  17. A bit, Facebook is the place for that pish.
  18. My posts are more, things ain't changing anytime soon, deal with it and give the rest of peace.
  19. There's only one of us been posting through tears n snotters in recent weeks, Wee Jason isn't even paying you rent.
  20. Lovely gamble currently unfolding between Musselburgh and Southwell.
  21. I get all that but some on here are only interested in their own situation, don't like it when others offer a different view.
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