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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. That's the joy of P&B, there's enough backslappers on here without me joining in.
  2. I don't think GD or me want restrictions anymore than anyone else.
  3. That's how I feel when folk are moaning about watching wee Johnny all week or not getting out for a pint.
  4. I find it eye-opening that folk can only see their way of dealing with negative situations, there is not one single benefit for me of wallowing over dealing with it.
  5. Yep, one of my friends is down 5 figures a week, thankfully he looks for solutions rather than be negative.
  6. Yep, it's a frame of mind for most and they CHOOSE the quivering lip option.
  7. Better than struggling and blaming the world whilst having the solutions within your own gift.
  8. By downplaying you mean not crying and moaning like a fandan.
  9. Your only alternative is The Tories then, millions live under different restriction all the time under them but heyho they'll open the pubs earlier.
  10. I've not found a sensible alternative yet, oso I'll probably lend them my vote for a wee while yet.
  11. Hopefully, it will only add another excuse to list of 2 week extensions.
  12. Ach, it'll just be some 2nd rate scientist wanting a share of the limelight.
  13. Why would you think I'm not calm, I'm as happy locked away myself as I am partying with everyone.
  14. I know they're tweaking it but it's not supposed to be very effective at all, I'm only going from what was being said on 5live, haven't read about it myself.
  15. "No good" define no good....... No protection, not peer reviewed yet.
  16. AZ vaccine seemingly no good against SA variant,Nicola and Wee Jason will be thumbing through their 2022 calendars in the morning.
  17. It's like you find offence with someone who deals with problems comfortably, the more I practice the easier it gets.
  18. 1st part, sample size is very large on and off here, part 2 you just need to read through here.
  19. Nah, just know I handle iife far better than most, apparently a poor me attitude is more appreciated on here.
  20. Sums it up, happier and sharper on my bad days.
  21. Anyone that doesn't moan and whine about their everyday challenges is a gammon to weaker one's on here.
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