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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. You bet your boots they're collecting data.
  2. I'm sure he doesn't mind being on a wee weekend rota, not like he's doing anything at the weekend.
  3. I know but the local reporting was only commenting on South Ayrshire so I'm not sure whether AAHB have split it into 3 entities for the rollout. The calendar in the article only contained South Ayrshire centres.
  4. 9000 should never have been allowed to happen after the previous Sunday. Not convinced the SG have total control of the rollout, SAC have had to adjust their rollout as they had quite a few free days planned for February these centres should not be having days off once they're open IMHO.
  5. I think the response on here has been pretty decent, an average of 1 jab per vaccintor last Sunday was pathetic.
  6. I think he's implying that they are removing our ability to spend like The Rangers.
  7. http://daily record.co.uk/ayrshire/nhs-ayrshire--arran-forced-23427705
  8. Can The Rangers not use that extra £40k and drop his ashes from the Red Arrows in a few weeks.
  9. He's had a good innings, no sadness from me about anyone dying at that age.
  10. There are quite literally loads of halls available across Ayr and Prestwick lying empty most or all of the time, pubs, clubs, churches, chapels, PIK, Ayr Racecourse, Community Centres etc. Ayr Racecourse is huge in comparison to The Citadel. The fact that 9000 and 11000 daily figures fit comfortably into our targets mean the targets are very unambitious, never thought I'd agree with Jackie Baillie on anything but there you go. Even 35000 or whatever it was yesterday is only 2/3 of down the roads better days.
  11. Why don't we go the whole hog and just go door to door so lazy buggers like your pal Effie who you think shouldn't have to travel a mile or two to get what could be a life saving vaccine can sit on her arse ??? I'd rather we were drumming our fingers waiting for more supplies than dragging it out, we really aren't too hot at this shit.
  12. In a small town like Ayr how many were you thinking ? I've no idea, that would depend how many vaccinators we have, if we're asking folk to wait 15 minutes after their jag then as many places as possible, gym halls are not the only halls available.
  13. They're empty all weekend, we could fly through the population if we utilised spaces like that out of hours, 20,000 in 2 Sundays is a fucking scandal, how many useless fuckers are we giving a say to on this all over the country.
  14. "Effie would you prefer two walks and a needless bus journey or a wee walk round to that lovely big schoolfor your vaccine" "I'll just go to the school as I've not used the bus for needless journeys in such a long time.
  15. And larger venues local to people would have been far better, 10 months and we choose a place that isn't handy for most of the local population.
  16. If you don't mind wee effie and her chums piling onto buses with a decent walk at either end.
  17. Halls plural not singular in a poorly located one.
  18. It's shit like that that should shame Sturgeon with her 9000 in a day, the quicker they all get done the better, she's not got the slightest eye on this due to her focusing solely on a made up target. Boris and Co are going to dig themselves out of the shit they helped create whilst Sturgeon' arrogance is going to undo any gains she made. Quicker she's punted the better.
  19. Think they stole that from Mr O'Leary' big book of how to f**k folk over.
  20. Disappointingly we're getting Trump levels of journalism in the UK at the moment, doing those in care homes etc 1st was definitely the correct course to take, just need the ramp up to kick in. No surprise that rUK are using offered after reports appearing of deaths in care homes, now deaths in care homes even after 1st jag being reported, the MSM are a seriously reprehensible bunch of brown nosing b*****ds towards Westminster.
  21. Plenty will agree with both sides on that issue.
  22. It will be impossible for Scotland to finish 1st in this race.
  23. Looks like it, blowing all those months of graphs and projections out of the water this morning.
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