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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Aye, I'd like to have witnessed a McCall team with the 2 Rabs budget, I slaughtered them regularly but their budget was laughable in comparison.
  2. ISturgeon & Co are far more interested in their own ends than independence.
  3. We'll done Derek, I'll wait until most of the issues are ironed out before I purchase, too much of a gobshite when things don't perform as they should to spend my cash at this stage.
  4. We should be honoured that boys are leaving Somerset to play for their country.
  5. Wtf with the 2 needless passbacks from miles out whilst under minimal pressure.
  6. I've had far more fun watching youngsters in recent seasons than I have watching journeyman for the previous few decades, departing legends excepted.
  7. Hopefully it shows everyone that we need to govern ourselves.
  8. It's a well worn path for our more prominent ex pros unfortunately, I'm sure none of them would choose a different path.
  9. Sturgeon & Co in full on 'do whatever it takes to retain power' mode, hardened Unionists want independence as much as this shower. Wish Salmond would get the JCB out and dish the dirt on this bunch of self-serving charlatans.
  10. Not surprised, some would appear to prefer almost all to get A's, "we'd rather devalue some well deserving kids efforts than upset some lesser light" seems to be the position of some,crackers.
  11. Not great to hear Ken Buchanan now in care with a memory that's failing.
  12. It's over 50s if the rumours today are to be believed. Utter lunacy. I'm over 50 and I'll be doing what I see fit, I'll certainly not be listening to those in power, they've shown no more of a grasp of the situation than most people with no science to formulate an opinion.
  13. Not one of those that I hung about with from a Glasgow private school backround had an accent like Laura.
  14. I'll haunt my lot if they stick me in one, if I get too bad to look after they're quite welcome to get the big pillow out.
  15. Ordinarily I'd agree but we really need someone that's going to grill the Scottish Government about their failings over the last 5 or 6 months.
  16. Just stick to the areas that Sturgeon & Co have proper questions to answer and you're halfway there, trying to argue about comparisons with England at the moment was just ridiculous, even thick folk up here know hardly anyone is catching Covid never mind dying, meantime England is still churning through deaths.
  17. His performance today was shocking, he seemed to be clutching at invisible straws in recent months.
  18. f**k the fitba, Ocean Palace makes the rest taste 2nd rate.
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