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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I want to know why he put his wife and child in such peril by returning them back to their very dangerous London home.
  2. They were all in a state when they drove to Barnard Castle then they were all super fine to drive to London.
  3. How many new breaches has he admitted to.?
  4. Are these bampots part of the Clampett family.
  5. Why are they not asking him how he managed to get childcare instantly when he arrived back in England.
  6. A caring father with failing eyesight takes his wife and kid a drive in a car for a 60 mile round trip, did humptydumpry write this shite.
  7. Have you ever heard as much pish in your life.
  8. Apparently Gazza's stuck in the KFC drive through.
  9. A decent 7/4, what can he talk about here with police involved, might just be doing the decent thing here with the 1922 hiding in the shadows.
  10. Hard to judge journey time from Durham with the roads getting busier.
  11. 7/5 to go before July, I've saw worse 7/5 shots.
  12. Number 2 doesn't excuse this shit, there are people who've been in far worse positions than having an autistic kid, ask them if they chose to do what the f**k they wanted or if they avoided attending hospitals, care homes, crematoria or grave sides. Don't go losing your perspective because the word autism arose, this arsehole has access to help that mere mortals can only dream about, he wouldn't be waiting 3 weeks for his home delivery or similar.
  13. Disappointed Welshy's post was deleted, lots of interesting points in it.
  14. I am actually shocked by the lack of awareness shown by The Tories and their brown nosers, Boris and Co were out digging a hole for themselves yesterday, now they've decided to hire an excavator, the 1922 Committee must be sitting wondering how they've managed to be overrun by imbeciles of the highest order, Starmer keeps his nose clean and he's in with a decent chance at the next GE.
  15. There are valid and acceptable reasons for the government and press sitting on this story as well as Ferguson', just a pity the press didn't afford us the same courtesy when we were needing every bit of expertise open to us a few weeks ago.
  16. They'll be tracing and isolating as we speak.
  17. He didn't need to answer the 2nd part to look really bad.
  18. I thought the wee lassie was very smart in how she framed her questions.
  19. The p***k obviously forgot he should be doing it every day.
  20. Folk have been social distancing from myself on the North Terrace for years.
  21. Tbf to Lachlan, I'm sure he was asked about social distancing with a figure of 500 mentioned.
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