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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. So it's ok for you to cast aspersions in the direction of others without accepting any coming your way, that's the attitude that sees us hurtling ever faster in the wrong direction with regards to drugs.
  2. I wouldn't say that someone who cuts their kids off at the drop of a hat loves them very much IIBH. I can only imagine where I'd be today if my family wrote me off 40 years ago, I didn't have an extensive criminal record but that was only due to lack of detection.
  3. I have and I am saying that. Maybe the crimes committed against me wouldn't have happened if we'd chosen a different path to deal with drugs.
  4. We don't need to tolerate junkies in society, we need to find ways to lessen the numbers of both existing and future ones, it ain't going to happen with your approach.
  5. I have to break a brutal truth to you. The person I posted about is nowhere near the lowest paid in the country, wage or lack of it doesn't always equate to who gives a shit, if it did then all rather than most nurses would give a shit.
  6. Needless to say, I took an instant dislike to the person, people are entitled to their views but I'm not sure they're entitled to those views whilst taking a decent wage from that area.
  7. What has she taken to get through the rest of her time with TBS.
  8. Wouldn't shock me, I did cross paths with one who looked on addicts like pieces of shit.
  9. Are you fucking joking, that's why we're in this mess.
  10. Radio Scotland was my source, f**k all to do with the article. There were over 1100 deaths, as Radio Scotland were implying that rUK had a 1/3 of that figure then given the population differential they were implying that the rate was 36:1.
  11. Did you actually read my post? If they'd stated as you posted I wouldn't have a problem with it but in the bit I heard they stated the 1100 odd then said that was 3 times the rest of the UK, it's bad enough having 3 times the rate without the state mouthpiece tagging us with 36 times the rate.
  12. We're not f**ked, just nearing the point where those in charge need to get their fucking fingers out instead of looking at everything from a £'s shillings and pence stance without looking at the whole picture.
  13. It certainly suited docherty and the four more attacking midfielders. A very good option to have. I don't disagree but I was highlighting your fat finger error.
  14. The Beeb needs to get their facts right on their news outlets, they clearly said Scotland had 3 times the number of drug deaths of rUK, biased bampots.
  15. We should play that formation every week if we can get away with it.
  16. You'll probably be right but our midfielders put in a huge shift in the 2nd half.
  17. Looked like a case of how many for Livi in the 1st half hour or so(gave them too much respect), we looked pretty damn decent in the 2nd with wee Forrest on for Doolan. Went from "we're battling relegation" to "we'll be competing for top 4 again",pleasing.
  18. I'm just surprised that all the heavyweights don't have legs like Russian weightlifters as they're not restricted by weight limits. Sports science probably hasn't caught on in boxing yet, it's a good job AJ has big legs or Manny would be taking him out.
  19. You certainly don't need big huge legs for boxing.
  20. More because the loaned in guys would be expected to play by their parent clubs, nothing makes me happier than seeing a home grown boy break through McCowan will be expected to play by our clubs fans.
  21. Don't see why he'd get lost in the shuffle, if he's not ready for this season he'll never be ready.
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