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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. I've worked every bank holiday (when employed) since i left college. Definately a FWP
  2. Aidsy spunk - the semen of an HIV carrier. Stinlar - Stranraer
  3. Aye he posted links to a bunch of stuff that come up when you put itzdrk into google and finished with some line about how id left a breadcrumbs trail or something. I think he thought i was telt So i did the same with him (fair game once done to me i feel) and there he was banned from a sims forum.
  4. Ive been in some rare states before Wetherspoons bars are open on away days past couple seasons. The morning sesh is massively underrated.
  5. Stretch that back a year to cover me. Im absolutely a milenial by description.
  6. Buckets. Like eating in some shit chain pub
  7. The fact that Raith still haven't signed a keeper doesn't help their argument one bit.
  8. As well as trialists no being allowed, they wont have youth keepers either afaik as they are part of the Fife Academy so only their u20s will be their youths. Of which they don't have a keeper for. Gary Locke
  9. We have a "500 Club" which i pay an amount into every month with others. This goes towards the wage budget.
  10. 1 goal = 3 points. Thats more than you have had off us all season mind. Does Michael Portilo have a traveling companion?
  11. Swing and a miss Grimbo
  12. Im in. Lets get independence for all parts of the UK and anyone against us is just seething or scrambling for relevance.
  13. Well aye it is his job to know. This means he had no idea about form, whether players are injured, basically everything. Its his job to know this. He only talks with any knowledge about the 1970s
  14. He doesn't know the majority of players names, its just like Pat Bonar, saying 'the striker' or 'the defender' he was actually questioned on it at a later time and seemed offended at the prospect that he might have to research a match and said why should he, be doesn't have time to.... A complete ringpiece
  15. That man is a fucking moron. "Why should i do research?"
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