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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. When I was unemployed this used to make me angry. Haven't watched it since.
  2. This is an absolutely alien point of view. I can't even understand why a celebrity dying would make someone who is a complete stranger to them upset.
  3. Nowhere near ready tbh needs to go down to league one and learn how to get it done. He missed an open net on the line away to Raith Rovers. Scored two His second is the second in this video, but if you fancy watching 30 seconds of Paul Cairney scoring a belter that's the first.
  4. Kevin Nisbet has pissed off McCall by faking an injury to get subbed.
  5. With what I do, there isn't a lot of dignity kicking about this area of life. E.g. getting solicitors to write a letter to a dad who had bought a football kit about how this was extravagant & unfair as the mum couldn't afford to do that so it had to go back. Or a dad refusing to move a hearing date which fell on his sons birthday after the mother's request. Although there was a dad who was just keeping all the children's clothes as some points scoring exercise that I found pretty funny.
  6. I was in a call centre this time last year. We closed one day a year for Christmas, boxing day fell on my day off. So back to work on Sunday 27th at 6am. Rather than seek some likes to make it all better I just handed in my notice
  7. The 50% thing is a bit of a myth btw.
  8. Definately. Stand firm on refusing to accept something shite and they back down eventually. 12 - 12 - 18
  9. Last time they tried to push something through they just said. If you don't vote for it we will set up a new breakaway league and exclude you.
  10. I'd probably take it. Gary's great, but you don't see the best of him when you are scrapping it out IMO
  11. Feel free to send him to where Harkins and Meggatt went
  12. The obergruppenführer was probably letting you know about the new season.
  13. I was an absolute disgrace yesterday, still hungover today. I did the whole season in a oner since I was incapable of doing anything. SPOILER -THE APP DOESN'T DO SPOILERS PROPERLY ************************************************ ************************************************* Get it watched
  14. When I was 16 we were all cutting about with digital cameras. Gimps.
  15. That's obviously not what you said though is it.
  16. So someone actually refused to attend as a neutral on the basis that they do nothe own the ground? Do they not go in shops that are only leased too?
  17. Lovely stuff I was getting bored of the avatar.
  18. Any signs of a shortlist? This will be a really tough call, if you had sacked your manager it would be an 'old head' type in for sure to try stay up. But its a bit different.
  19. I hear you only win away now instead of never win away. Times change fast around here.
  20. Using the name that a child calls a stuffed toy was the first sign IMHO
  21. ∩___∩ |ノ ヽ / ● ● | クマ──!! | (_●_) ミ 彡、 |∪| 、`\ / __ ヽノ /´> ) (___) / (_/ | / | /\ \ | / ) ) ∪ ( \ \_)
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