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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Yep, my flatmate is off to Murray Park today and will be watching Throwball tomorrow night. A truly tragic person Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  2. My pals demanding we all go to the student union the night and no even just for a bit, all night. I feel like when yer da turns up at the dancin' ^ ^ ^ Beast confirmed or whatever Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  3. Good stuff from Vincent Lunny would read again Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  5. Actually fat or that 'fat' guys moan about where they aren't at all? Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  6. The correct answer Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  7. Not entirely no, but 4 without a win and 3 without a goal isn't great form IMO Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  8. Unlikely, Pars in freefall Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  9. Never understood the need for wifi to be shared amongst hundreds of people, of course it's going to be slow. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  11. Leicester doing no bad. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  12. This wee tert commenting on it has her mobile number up on her profile. There ye go P&B Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  13. Watched the last episode again this morning before work as i wasnt paying much attention on Sunday night Linda :( :(
  14. Last day at Menzies the day Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  15. Stokes to Hibs Stevo to Ayr 2 off the top of my head Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  16. That's a made up rule. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  17. While soaking in their own filth in a bath no doubt. Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril
  18. Seems to be used by scouts and managers as a network tool in football. I added Brian Reid on it some time ago, and he seems to make good use of it.,
  19. That's even worse, they cost more than yer own
  20. Hing oan...some poor c**t on here has 5 weans?
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