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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. Tbf i got a great cat picture today, creepy wee b*****d
  2. So are they gonna eat the wee lassie or what?
  3. What happened to the guy who threw toley about the changing room, When did he start hanging about the early learning centre?
  4. Have to say im absolutely shocked to find out that 8Mile is a peadophile
  5. Just listen to this brah If you still don't understand , you never will.
  6. Spotify is best for me. Runs on phone, laptop & ps4 = ideal
  7. http://whatculture.com/sport/20-reasons-why-celtic-fans-are-jealous-of-rangers.php
  8. i plan on fucking wrecking them all tbh. If they can find anything that works then they can feel free.
  9. I could have went in nets with my hands tied behind my back and a blindfold and done better than Hutton
  10. Doesn't really matter how good Flemming is, its not like he is going to have anything to do next season anyway.
  11. Really enjoyed watching todays game, i was all set to watch another 30 mins when McDonald had a bit of a howler and served up a goal on a plate, Suppose that evened it out as both teams really only made 1 each both punished 1 by a red card and 1 by a goal. Also pleasing to see a big crowd along to see it, just a shame there wasn't much of a noise Well done Inverness.
  12. No aerial In my bedroom, any suggestions for getting freeview. Saw this? http://www.argos.co.uk/m/static/Product/partNumber/3336056/searchTerm/INDOOR+AERIAL%5D.htm
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