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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. might just be because there hasnt been anything funny for a while help me get my bloodlust back guys
  2. right its official , ive now grown sick of this hurry up and just let them off and move on... death is preferred option but it seems less likely by the day
  3. newco rangers to just simply be called "Glasgow F.C" imagine the seethe
  4. good news all round if FIFA are backing off then to be honest , just incase the SFA make an arse of this
  5. only saw links to pt1 , so heres the full thing of chic v traynor btws
  6. i like the use of "whyte knight" being a saviour in that clip young vs jabba
  7. good to see jim traynor is scared this can only mean he has heard (what we would see as) good sounds comming from someone he has spoke too
  8. look at the value of a pie at some grounds , imagine the cost of a pint it'd be on a par with the O2
  9. The Queen's Jubilee Speech http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P0aVDo_498&feature=related
  10. i would be suicidal if there was no rangers , my life needs a strong rangers
  11. if your suspended at the start of a competition you should still be suspended until the end IMO
  12. hmrc say they are owed around £3M did D&P not say the other day Rangers had £3.5M in the bank (somehow)
  13. see what really bugs me about things like that amorouso interview i wouldnt mind it as much comming from someone like billy dodds (yes you read right) or that but amorouso played for 1 team in scotland for a couple of years and that was it im having a bit of a slow day appologies if you dont get what i mean
  14. go for it , ive done it a few times when they still think they can say something about ayr
  15. its because its some of the owners of the biggest companies in the world willing to step up and save this global brand
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