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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. would you behave this way if it was your club? The Rangers News ‏@rangersnewsRT @DR_Rangers: Rangers in crisis: Ibrox club face being booted out of game as SFA accept court ruling http://bit.ly/M4FV4F<<<YAWN>>> Expand Reply Retweeted Favorite
  2. maybye they should try relocate rangers to dublin im sure they would be very popular
  3. well they havent died yet so the spl have to just carry on as things are atm it basically just means dundee/dunfermline will have that weekend spare should they die
  4. Rankin1873 Stuart McCall Group:Loyal Bluenose Topics:11 Posts:246 Rep:3 Joined:11-August 08 Gender:Male Location:Glasgow Posted Today, 10:04 PM Lets all remember in the next few years who f**ked us over, not just for this season but many several to come! but let's not forget the clubs who will be for us, they shall prosper. Only boycott games of the clubs who try to hinder us.
  5. cant wait for the meltdown whenthey find out the endgame of H&D & they are the only ones who get paid as the club dies
  6. i love how rainjurz mhedia are so seething about mark daly & the bbc good work guys lovely stuff & all the while they have to pay their licence fee like it or not
  7. no i tried to get them to boycott ibrox until lennon's shirt was taken down though *duff-man is now banned
  8. 1, less than what was willing to be paid for him last summer and he didnt have a great season 2, im sure duffman will sue the bbc for suggesting anyone could leave the rangers
  9. i personally think its disgusting that rangers have no female players cant discriminate ken
  10. are the SFA not meeting today? not seen a peep from the journo twitter mafia
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7WpT6DqUx8 i think i win the game we were playing earlier with this gem? dirty wee tarrier club, probably have neil lennons shirt hanging up in the stadium
  12. i think we should petition that a word filter is applied to "Neil Doncaster" to come up with Cockwomble the same way that "John McVeigh is a tit" comes up when you type whatever it is that warrants that
  13. Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamontFull interview with cockwombleNeil Doncaster should appear herehttp://bbc.in/9T0ISn this afternoon why do they insist on interviewing him, he provides NO answers
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