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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. theres a guy on RM i quoted a few posts back who thinks its actually because they are unionists (yknow same as the bbc etc)
  2. they spent all that time excited about the outcome of the wee vote aswell to find a picture of me wearing nothing but a tricolor
  3. interesting i saw that green is supposed to take over at rangers on wednesday above was the deal not the CVA had to be agreed first he is meeting with the fans on wednesday this was supposed to be before he took over surely he would wait till the middle of next week when we get their punishment verdict incase of wasted money
  4. as you can see below ive been on it it would be pointless to lie about such a thing
  5. http://forum.rangers...pic=221865&st=0 they are trying to convince themselved everyone ONLY hates them because we are jealous and they are like manyoo i hated rainjurz s & manyoo for their huge trophy haul last year : 0 success lots of debt ------------------------------------------- edtheger "my opinion is that it has absolutly nothing to do with envy or football it is polotics.the ***** want independence and we are the one and only institution in scotland that stand for the union.if they get rid of us then there is no opposition.might sound a bit ott but this has been a deliberate and nonstop attack on our club"
  6. this is the kinda forward thinking guy the rangers need more of loyalfollower Lord Glennie in the Court of Session disagrees with you. He stated that we were entitled to go to court. (He would have thrown out our case otherwise.) Aye he does. But fifa doesnt. Wether they are bunch of corrupt big wigs or not they will have the last say. Unless ofcourse this is the beginning of the end of fifa?? Alot of clubs could follow on? Get thrown out make a new organisation thats fair? So many opinions/questions at the moment http://forum.rangers...st&p=1060095239 cant wait to see all the teams around the world resigning from their leagues cuz rangers arent in the SPL
  7. HAWD OAN HERE i thought the rangers were boycotting the scottish cup anyways so that punishment isnt fit for purpose
  8. any idea what that was ? trying to make the scottish cup ban seem more severe than it is by HUGE distance
  9. A - Arrogance B - Bigotry C - Cheating D - Die you b*****ds E - Everybody wants you to die F - Fucking hell are you no dead yet? G- Green (charles) H- House (big) I - Inland Revenue(HMRC) J- Jobless(soon to be) K- Kill the feckers L - Let them die M- Minty Moonbeams ---------------------------------------- N- Newco O - Orifice of Scottish footballP- Paul Baxendale-Walker Q- Quantum R- Rangers Media S- Sandy Jardine T- Ticketus U - Useless (David Healy) V- Vulvas W- Whyte(Craig) X - (e)X clubY- Yves Colleau (EBT) Z- Zenit St Petersberg (to prove its not just domestically they cheated via EBT's) we had only got as far as M so ive added what i can who can fill the blanks
  10. if its anything like the last one i was at there then that would be fantastic
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