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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. they have all bought into this "restriction of trade" stuff they are banding about aswell i dont think they realise they arent the first team to have had a transfer embargo placed upon them nor the fact that it was quite lenient to allow u18's to be able to sign so they would be able to put a team out etc
  2. as entertaining as it is reading rainjurz mhedia its quite scary how brainwashed the masses are to anything that comes from castle greyskull even in the face of evidence that would be to the contrary
  3. an extra 30 pt deduction plus an extended 18 month transfer embargo awaits IMO
  4. how do you appeal charges for bringing the game into disrepute thats right guys by bringing the game into disrepute is this what they mean by "scottish football will die without rangers" because they are going to force it to happen
  5. they highest they can go (as far as i work out from debt to what green says he has in the pot) is 16/100p therefore i suggest they will offer 8/100p
  6. yup the record have that the sun are focusing on important things like hooper wanting to play for barca http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4337377/Hooper-I-want-to-play-for-Barca.html
  7. this chat about shot putting lead me to come across this "Reese Hoffa may just be the Lady Gaga of the shot put."
  8. disapointed at the google images tab we need to be making sure we are naming the doncaster images neildoncastercockwomble.jpg so that we can take over the "neil doncaster" & "cockwomble" searches
  9. 10 mins extra credit there id love to see possession stats of just the 2nd half actually
  10. "rainjurz thur bad for the ebt's ken hope they get thrown oot the league whit ye mean sellik? we aynli hud wan n plus were rasellik"
  11. aye all the others seem to be of dublinbluenose's opinion from what ive saw probably because its easier for their wee broken hearts to accept " no-one likes us we dont care"
  12. did anyone else see bbc 3 prog where they made gazza look like he was dressed up like the pope seen a few folk going mental about it on twitter
  13. "did it ever occur to you something funnny was going on" wisnny me honest guv *squirm*
  14. Who The f**k, What The f**k Is Sammy who is this guy http://forum.rangers...howtopic=221056 rangers media discussing the real issues of the programe
  15. there was a bit of footage of a pornstar and a prince it was compelling stuff
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