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Everything posted by groaninjock

  1. Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now
  2. The Wolverine - 5/10 I'm usually a sucker for a superhero movie, but this one was pretty pish. Between the constant speaking to Jean Grey's ghost, a dull plot and some (even by Marvel movies standards) ridiculous action scenes, this one left me cold.
  3. "First sickness bug of the year - Great!" Firstly, it cannae be that bad if you've still time to keep everyone on Facebook up to date on your chundering, and secondly - why do you think folk are interested?
  4. Depends what you plan to use it for. If you can do without 3G, you'll get a better Android tablet for much less than that.
  5. I found that www.buymobilephones.net had better deals than Carphone Warehouse - especially if you're after a free gift with your contract (PS3, XBox, tablet etc). Drop me a PM if you want me to send you a referral link.
  6. A) Missing artwork - I usually just type the album name into Google, save the image to my desktop and then select the tracks that are missing their covers and put them in manually. Takes less than a minute per album. B) I've had that a few times - if you have access to another computer, try the disc in that - I've found a lot of discs that won't rip on my laptop, but do it no bother on my wife's or on my work PC.
  7. I just got round to watching the final episode
  8. New laptop coming tomorrow - I'll finally be able to play all the games I bought!
  9. If anyone wants to add me on Steam, my Steam ID is groaninjock. Trying to decide whether to buy Gunpoint or not. Looks good for less than a fiver.
  10. So much for resisting temptation - that takes my haul to 11 games so far...
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