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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. All I can say about this post is Unbelievable! There is only one entity that got Massone where is is and that's the man himself! He has rode roughshod over his staff and his creditors and poured vitriol on anyone who dared to disagree with him. I know folk who work in the club so don't expect me to feel anything but scorn for the man. He is a self important scoundrel who has brought my club to the brink of extinction. And as I've said before for a Kelty man you hear a helluva lot of rumours about what is going on in Livingston and take an inordinate interest in something that otherwise has naught to do with you. Or has it?
  2. Pompous p***ks! She's only trying to help! Damned if you do on this forum and damned if you don't. I'd reckon that at least 90% of the condescending know alls who laugh at the Livi fans on here have never gone any more out of their way to something for their clubs other than the normal buying of a season ticket, a strip and a 50/50 draw. The only difference between us and you is that you decided sometime in the past to follow a team that was run by folk who may have known what they were doing. The reasons we support a team are wide and varied. Certainly 13 years ago I didn't sit down and calculate whether or not it would end up with the eejits who got in. But I'm in now and I care about what happens to it and I make no apologies for that!
  3. Oh puleeeze! I can just about put up with the rest of the criticism of everything Livi in this thread but dont, dont, dont write anything that would elicit even a smidgeon of sympathy for that man. He is a proven liar who cares about nothing other than himself. And now in spite of all his pitiful utterings at every opportunity that he just wants to "save thee club" he has been heard by employees in one of his regular temper tantrums threatening to bring it down rather than sell his shares to the interested party. The man is a first class arse!
  4. Where are you getting this stuff from? I read on livilions last week that they had over £5000 and I know that a lot of people have contributed since then. It also said they got over £400 in a bucket collection yesterday at Palmerston from the 100 odd that were there. And I think you are wrong about the confusion. I can't see anyone saying that now on livilions. Now that the adsministrator is in charge Massone can't get his hands on anything and the bulk of the fans know this.
  5. Somebody agrees with MCL shocker! Well I suppose there is a first for everything.
  6. Ocht it takes my mind of my troubles. Indulge me. Already getting surveys done for houses in the Inverness area just in case. Great wee team the Caley! And till then there's always Kelty Hearts.
  7. Not at all. I don't think I suggested that for a minute. Everyone welcome to come on here to celebrate the woes of Livi FC. Naturally Kelty Hearts can't be brought into this debate but my comment was that he doesn't even post about Kelty Hearts on the juniors forum. Zilch! Just nearly 400 posts all about Livi. I think I am entitled to assume that he has more than the passing interest someone like yourself has. All I'm doing is asking him what that is. He's not for telling though is he!
  8. Hmm, perhaps, but you really do intrigue me. The other mega posters on this thread Duncan Freemason and Kingfaethesooth are quite upfront about theirs but why, I ask myself, would a Kelty Hearts supporter post almost exclusively about Livi and yet not a word about his preferred team. I am sure you will see that my use of the word "agenda" in your case is understandable.
  9. I agree with the last few posts. Of all the clubs in the country surely mine would benefit most from stringent rules being applied. After the chancers we have had in charge we do need to send out a clear message to stop these people coming in to football and making a mockery of things. I'm ready for whatever punishment is handed out. I hope the club and supporters get the chance to show it can be done right. It's taken a while but I think most Livi fans have got the message - the hard way.
  10. you mean there is something about Livi you don't know!! I presume that if Livi go down you will become a non poster on here. I've had a wee look at your almost 400 posts and all but a handful are about Livi. I wonder what your agenda is. Ever post on Livilions? How is Kelty Hearts getting on?
  11. Yeh, I can understand that and live with it but it's a far cry from the other reactions you describe. Although to be honest the fact that a thread has attracted over 4000 posts there as to be a smidgeon more than "not giving a toss". I'd say it's more like a cross between schadenfreude and the equivalent of rubbernecking the scene of an accident.
  12. Yip, I can certainly see why fellow fans would wish to see the death of a club after experiencing the kind of trauma you describe from a few of the Livi support. Yes siree!
  13. That would have been an awful experience for you. You tell me who did that to you and I'll have stern words with them.
  14. Yawns! After 4452 posts on a thread you'd hope the 4453rd would have a bit of originality. Must try harder.
  15. I remember your posts about Brian and I responded at the time. In any case it was a disagreement. They happen in every organisation I know. It's not a reason for the vitriol you spout about Trust members.
  16. Yeh enlighten us. edited after reading your last post. - Well I've read them all and i'm none the wiser.
  17. I think it's his feeble attempt at humour. Pal Massone probably let him in to take photos. Basically he is just another freeloader member of the press contingent rather than a fan.
  18. I seem to remember the rep from the Morton trust telling us at our open inaugural meeting that in the early days they gave money to the club in good faith and got nothing in return. At least the Livi trust got shares. You are right though that they were probably grossly over priced. Hopefully a case of you live and learn. AND18OY for a Kelty Hearts fan I think you know more about Livi than I do. You seem to have some fascination for the club and all that happens there.
  19. Ocht you know what I mean! I think everybody and their dug can understand why fans don't trust Massone. I bet you didn't give any money to him either. I have never heard (or read from your written word!) any reason why you don't trust the people in the trust but no wonder fans of other clubs don't understand us when there is such bad feeling between supporters as that which you display. And you have to admit that the Trust was right all along about Massone's incompetence. (but I know you wont)
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