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Everything posted by sparky88

  1. Since the crackdown on MPs expenses, Ed Miliband's been forced into a second job?
  2. Haha, I was just thinking this about some of these. Some are completely brilliant.
  3. Well Murray has got a woeful record against Cilic, and IIRC grass suits Cilic so theres easier folk he could have played. Roddick loves Wimbledon and Gasquet is a bit of an unknown, ie which Gasquet will turn up, It's a lot more difficult than his draw at the French, but if he's got his head screwed on, he should manage it. I've seen no evidence to suggest that the top 3 will have to play their best against Murray to beat him. Has Murray beaten any of them in a grand slam? I'm almost certain he hasn't. It's all in his head, get that sorted and he could be going on a 46 match unbeaten run (or whatever it was) like Djokovic.
  4. I'm a member of my uni gym (£40 for the year) and have been exercising since the start of the year. I've been going to exercise classes - circuit training. Its definately not boring and not full of lassies like every other exercise class. Also it helps you tone up different parts of your body - especially useful for me because I'm going skiing in April (which I'm trying to lose weight for) and the exercises I'm doing will stop my body aching in the morning after a days skiing. I'd recommend circuit training if the treadmill is too boring - i really only use the machines on days when its not on.
  5. The fact they are cutting German - which is a popular subject (the email of the summary of the minutes from the meeting of the Court even says this) - just proves that student numbers are completely irrelevant, whether thats high or low numbers. Its all about whether they can make money from research - which obviously disadvantages some subjects more than others. The cuts are about changing the direction the university is headed in, and its annoying hearing Muscatelli trying to deny it.
  6. I wonder if the same goes on with Gaelic. I'd have thought the Scottish government subsidises the teaching of Gaelic at university, although it wouldn't surprise me if Gaelic was pretty popular at the university anyway. I think the entry requirements for film and tv are higher than the rest of the arts - because its so popular.
  7. I'd love to see examples where these consultations have resulted in the high heid yins changing their mind. I suspect they are thin on the ground- I can think of a few which have had no impact whatsoever (Diageo over Johnnie Walker, the SPL over league size). But we'll wait and see. They know fine well the arguments for and against making the cuts they are proposing. As for dropping 'Slavonic stuff', is that because it seems useless? Theres plenty of stuff thats safe that might seem useless, particularly in the Arts and Social sciences side - Gaelic, Comparative Literature for example. But dont mistake the cuts as being for the good of education at glasgow university.
  8. No, its German as wel as the ones you mentioned and Italian, according to the email I recieved today. If the university wants to play the numbers game, thats fine, but don't take public funds to do it.
  9. Your source being the unbiased Anton Muscatelli? Glasgow University Guardian says that the university was working with a £7.3m budget surplus. Yeah its perhaps an unreliable source, but no less so than Glasgow University's bank manager Principal.... I should add that, as a student of the university, I have been sent a summary of what happened at the meeting of the university court yesterday. It basically consists of recommending cuts to subjects on the basis that they do not appeal enough to overseas students (they pay high tuition fees) or they don't provide enough research (again a moneyspinner) And the university is still advertising for expensive members of staff whilst proposing these cuts - they are looking for 22 medicine lecturers. In other words, the university does have money - its just using the economic situation as a cover to steer it down a particular path
  10. Apparently, the Hetherington was donated for use by students as a club though - its not Muscatelli's to sell. I think this is the reason why the university are just letting them get on with it. One of my pals says theres free food going about as well. Sociology isn't being cut, anthropology is being merged into sociology basically to get rid of one member of staff. Had a lecture from her yesterday and she was practically in tears. My problem with what is happening at the university is that you rarely hear Muscatelli taking about striving to improve academic standards, its always about saving money here, there and everywhere.The university has a budget surplus. Glasgow University is a publicly funded institution, the emphasis shoud be on providing a decent education which helps graduates get jobs. Cuts to modern languages and nursing - 2 areas with high employability after graduating - are being proposed. If Muscatelli wants the university to be private he should just go ahead and do it. I should add I am the opposite of a socialist - but universities arent set up to make money and shouldnt be run as such. I was on TV last night, was walking past someone as they were interviewed
  11. I did politics and I'm not. I heard some amount of rubbish from left wing folk in my tutorials tho - apparently Obama is 'almost a God' - umm no he's Hilary Clinton with a pair of bollocks and black skin......
  12. They have got all but 1 match, its some group game or other. worth watching for the tasty bit of stuff presenting...
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