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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. And people thought manillas fantastical pisstake of a blog was far fetched........ the rhetoric is identical. http://williammcboyne.wix.com/tarrierhunter
  2. Was gonna give it 5 mins afore he was banned for being a timposter...... I misjudged the average bear..
  3. The records interview with ally Received well on the swamp.... The usual suspects defend him though.....glorious reading at this time of day...
  4. Duh... Och I know.... you gave me one of my favourite posting moments on p+b....... childish maybe, but the "its all water under the bridge kincardine " amused me for eons.....
  5. And that should shame each and every one of you. Any other club and their forums would have had their versions of the bralt. But any attempt at "enquiries" on the bun media is met by "sniff sniff" and "it reeks in here" ...
  6. Nope. They gone to pub..... bank holiday.... Seriously ? All trades today were at middle price ie they dont know if buys or sells.
  7. Kincardine , correct. Many moonbeams mixed with achievable goals. (spl football by 2053 was it ?).... More relevant , why did the club (assuming it was as radio shortbread indicated it came from there ) release it ? God, most folk know you want shot of sally (though shortbread said durrant and kenny mcd) and sir Walter is up to his neck. Seems bizarro.
  8. Would a 42 year old de boer, a 50 year old riykaard and cruyff at 66 cut it with the hammer throwing posties in div 3 compared to the conveyor belt of talent that was promised ? Feck aye lolololololololololol......
  9. Maybe you should take take time out and comprehend. Global football clubs with 500 gazillion fans don't need their employees in the same country. Oh, was written during Scottish div 3 era, their last ever one. Forgot. Sorry.
  10. Your means = European trophy in the first 3 years of eligibility ? Lolololololololol Breath Lololololololololol
  11. Most bears don't want the truth though. Plenty of blind eyes turned as long as they think there is continuity .
  12. Nope. I didn't.But who knows what the new club will announce 5 months late to the aim...... not exactly played by the rules over disclosures and directors have they ? Genuine question kincardine. What position did ahmad have, who told you this and have they misled you before ......
  13. Whoa horsey..... Just realising I AM one of those shareholders the feckers ruined. My parents died in 1979. My dad was uber fecking hoon. Both my brothers and my sister couldn't care less re footie so though my inheritance was kept till majority, the shares came to me. And after a kicking from my orangey friends in my village after the battle of hampden , I burnt the certificate in front of them. Yowsers. I am now on the level of gio d stef. Thieving feckers owe me coin
  14. Sound...fair cop.....anglicisation ahmad.....and craigy spelt his many ways..... though point re green going and aim notification stands.
  15. Well I didn't theoretically burn my shares in the dead club but they are toast......but theoretically I probably still got them. And is ahmed not his right name ? Lol.....
  16. Ya for that.....wasn't sure...... Interest ? Why not. I theoretically held shares in the club that died, so roon ye as bennett would say.
  17. One year try three........And bloggers/cyberbuns like bennett etc said green was gone before the stock exchange did...... now there's a breach of conduct. Do they need to know re ahmed ? Still not announced on the AIM....
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