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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Tedster, you quoted my post re a post on ff from 2.11 today and said you reported it yesterday ...... ffs, you might have got him banned but not yesterday ... And soon to be homeless King you maintain got off? How many companies are being sold to pay the tax ?
  2. From that copland road website ... 2nd para......silently acknowledges the disgraced lawyer, thomo, cartjuga et al.... who would've thought.
  3. That's the ff stuff from a now banned poster. Same style as the rm posts , "neh" etc... Here's some of the rm stuff....
  4. Well done. You have a time machine. The post you reported 24 hours ago was at 2.11 today..... Another poor effort tedi after the King and Bayern shambles of last night that forced you offline.
  5. That's the longest tedi has gone without posting ? Is he ahmed as well ?.........
  6. Uh oh....bears starting to worry.... Remember Naismith tweeted a week or so ago "The truth will out" or something. Just having a look around and noticed that the players were actually in negotiations to transfer to Sevco 5088, not Sevco Scotland, according to STV. Now this may just be a misprint by STV, I don't know. Most probably nothing but it proves that Sevco 5088 wasn't a "nothing" company. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/r...wco-rejection/ http://www.facebook.com/permalink.ph...46959028663852 Also note that Sevco Scotland was already formed at the time of those articles. Can anyone remind me of Greens reason why Sevco Scotland had to be set up instead of 5088? I'm sure he gave some story about how Rangers had to be owned by a Scottish Ltd company.
  7. Tedi said "won his battle"..... thieving orc is getting evicted in January and having to flog several companies with all the proceeds going to the claimants... The preservation orders, made final by the North Gauteng High Court on Tuesday, will see several South African assets belonging to Mr King and the companies that are associated with him sold, including Metlika Trading, Talacar Holdings, Gaius Atticus and Ben Nevis. Mr King will be allowed to continue living in his Sandhurst property in Johannesburg until January 7 next year. The property will then be transferred to Sechaba Trust director Cloete Murray, who was appointed as curator in the first preservation order.
  8. 332 "contested" tax fraud cases still outstanding then ? And you're happy wae that ? THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO FECKING FRAUD CASES ? I hope he get what's left of the smoldering corpse. Youll make a lovely couple.
  9. Even poorer from you...... Civil cases are done almost, but still outstanding are the more than, what is it tedi ? , over 400 criminal charges....
  10. Pining their hopes on King now. Cretins 1 and all......they don't fecking learn.
  11. So awra is bomber? Kinda makes sense and he didn't post during sportssound.
  12. Not falling for that again...... Think that 'Wilton Struth lego' pic (available on all good Google image searches, 1st page) is what I got last warning point for..... Cos it had "H" word on box.
  13. Bomber and English podcast up.... http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/scotland/scotfoot/scotfoot_20130424-1919a.mp3
  14. In that interview , he got whytes googley eyes every time he lied. Every 3 or 4 seconds.
  15. Lol, just checked..... Don't know about slaughtering though..... admits giving up for the sake of ally. Not exactly the clubs interests.
  16. Wasn't quoting the report, I was quoting you tedi...... p*** friend. Anyhoo, get sportsound on iplayer. Bomber and English head to head for last 30 mins. Might end in a hooking.
  17. Not to bright down in the swamp.... Beanzie 1st Team Regular Join Date: 04-08-2006 Posts: 1,695 Re: Conditional Fee Agreement When I read Worthington group and conditional fee I thought that a brewery was going to sponsor us when the 1 year cider deal ends and had given us an advance.
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