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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Herald Sport also understands that the disputed £400,000 bill from Orlit Enterprises that resulted in a petition being made for a winding up order last February has not been resolved. The petition was sisted (the legal term for suspended) at the Court of Session, but it has not been removed. ^^^^ and thus the recent q on what happened to the winding up order is answered.
  2. One other question..... Can they not send one of the office juniors down to the nearest cashline and get a mini statement ? That would settle the issue of the ipo cash. Or did chucky not hand back the card ?
  3. Question time.... Chucky has left the post of ceo. Has he resigned ad director of all the subsidiary companies, or is he still raking it in from the fools ?
  4. Clay, reading between the lines, you mean this internal (change from ethnic for the orcs) cleansing is a waste of time. And money. When theyre skint.
  5. Tedi, I think there are thousands of sevcos......generic if I mind right... And there is a world of difference between a newco and a phoenix .
  6. More amusing is that deloitte do chuckys tax returns..independent my bumhole.
  7. Trading whilst insolvent during an administration period for starters....plenty more.And don't be too hasty re green and whyte, one of them still controls the assets, and thereby the club. Muwahahahahaha.....
  8. My fear is that it will be so entangled , they will get away with it again.... Bdo will never get a blow in because the assets will appear to be changing ownership every few months,so stop them functioning as sort it out. Lol, a form of carousel fraud if you will, a complicated paper trail whilst avoiding the authorities .
  9. Terminate them now SFA, stop the circus . If they can sort out the mess, let them reapply in a few years time, if there is a vacancy.
  10. But cover who's ass tedi...? The important bit isn't green being involved with 5088 (that was a 'given') , but that it was a subsidiary of the club.
  11. http://m.londonstockexchange.com/exc...entId=11557259 22 April 2013 Rangers International Football Club plc ("Rangers" or the "Company") Director Declaration In accordance with AIM Rule 17 and further to the Company's admission document dated 7 December 2012, the Company confirms that in addition to the directorships disclosed in the admission document, Charles Green and Brian Stockbridge held directorships in the following companies, each of which is a subsidiary of the Company, at the time of publication of the document: Charles Green Rangers Retail Limited SEVCO 5088 Limited The Rangers Football Club Limited Rangers Financial Services Limited Rangers Matchday Services Limited Rangers Media Investments Limited Rangers Youth Development Limited RANGERS.CO.UK Limited Rangers Media Limited Rangers Security Services Limited The Rangers Shop Limited Brian Stockbridge The Rangers Football Club Limited Rangers Financial Services Limited Rangers Matchday Services Limited Rangers Media Investments Limited Rangers Youth Development Limited RANGERS.CO.UK Limited The Rangers Shop Limited Rangers Retail Limited Rangers Security Services Limited Rangers Media Limited For further information please contact: Rangers International Football Club plc www.rangers.co.uk Brian Stockbridge, CFO Tel: 0141 580 8647 Cenkos Securities plc Stephen Keys, Adrian Hargrave, Max Hartley (Corporate Finance) Russell Kerr (Corporate Broking) Tel: 020 7397 8900 Newgate Threadneedle Graham Herring / John Coles / Roddy Watt / Fiona Conroy Tel: 020 7148 6143 Sevco 5088 was a subsiduary of Rangers International? At the time of the ipo? eh? Lol...they're screwed.
  12. Tsk tsk..... looks like a direct reference to thon papist minstrels from London.....
  13. Rangers got their first banning by the sfa about 135 years ago. Should've seen the writing on the wall even then.....
  14. Because there should be no team in blue that play out of ibrox. They died. If it was a new team called something else, playing elsewhere with the same fanbase, I would watch and laugh.
  15. The banners are not similar monkey tennis, that was why I made the comparison.
  16. Nope. Whataboutery is where both sides use each others offensive crap as an excuse for their own. If there is no crap in one of the examples, there is no whataboutery, and though they tried to shitstir with the zombie flag , there was nothing to it.
  17. Possibly it isn't, but it is for me. And I do think they'll be gone afore any league meeting, just need to avoid them in the cups. If we did get drawn with them I would hope we would hit them for 10 but I will not watch/listen to a Celtic v an ibrox team ever again.
  18. Horlicks, the zombie banner had no connection to anything iffy, apart from from having the same template for the sniper that the army uses. This does.
  19. Merely pointing out that if even 1 in 5 of those little scallywags gets a job and can afford full price tickets, in 5 years ibrox will still have reasonable size crowds. Hence the new club must die too.
  20. Whataboutery ? Bollocks.Pointing out the new breed of concession fans are the same as the old breed.
  21. The brains trust named the ship hms flavius....... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Flavius
  22. As plastic as your avatar.....welcome aboard tedi. Speaking of bile, nice of those prepubesants of the blue order to stir things... Remember the hulabaloo at that British army sniper image in the zombie flag ?
  23. He invested his million last year on the back of a couple of old firm games, which seems knee jerk. I'd be worried if he was ceo of my club.
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