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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. I turned away from the possibility of EVER going to the darkside, during a stones exchange with neighbouring Catholic school whilst in Primrary 1, why would being 6 years of age be a debarment to opposing you bigots?
  2. ''eating'' ? thank feck never stayed with it...... Got posted with no explanation, and I ain't heard of it before......
  3. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=401233586638091&set=vb.100002543582097&type=2&theater :barf why the feck would you? Made it to about a minute in (if that) and no more........
  4. My own phone even does it after being rooted and flashed....
  5. Just found out if you have an Android phone........... On versions after 2.3 if you go to Settings > About Phone then keep tapping on Android Version something will happen depending on which version you have... 2.3 - A painting of a gingerbread surrounded by zombies 3.0 - A giant blue bee with the caption "REZZZZZZ" 4.0 - Flying Androids made from Ice Cream Sandwiches 4.1 - A giant jelly bean with a face on it followed by floating jelly beans
  6. The only Atlantic Rollers you see are the ones handing over notes to ream you
  7. Sorry, mean the weegie loses , it is a basin, no more. Not a Scottish sea Loch etc, it is a shithole druggie basin.
  8. Bennett, you know Youngsy, gie him a shout over the carity bet thing will you? He has gone MIA.......................
  9. The ''main'' prediction was that Ran@ers would die...........that happened \O/ waves at Youngsy £100 quid ya bottler
  10. Deaf as well as dumb........... Greenock is not on a ''Coast'', ya plum. Glasgow is not on a ''Coast'', ya plum.
  11. Out of curiosity, have the people been named as creditors of Rangers? I honestly lost the thread then......
  12. I work for a small Co that has a profit sharing scheme.................... of ''net profit''.' ............ If a big one is due they spend on 'Capital investment' , no much profit........... Example was 2 years ago they bought a trailer to launch boats in rough weather. Cost = umpteen thousands. Never used and rusting but came off bonus amount, same as for shareholders if a PLC............
  13. Ayr isn't in a G postcode yet is on the Riviera. Point? Weegies do NOT live on ''the coast'' ya plum.
  14. Doesn't work like that hb............ will be hidden in redevelopment costs etc. Minimal div this year if at all. I think Green despite his rants now gets he needs to stay to get a profit.
  15. The Sheep failing to score cost me £120 +
  16. ^^ defo copper. He hasn't been convicted has he? Or is there previous you have not disclosed?
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