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Everything posted by wunfellaff

  1. Ach leave it Kincardine.........he assumes you have no free thought and take your religion from your forefathers (milkman, postie, bus driver and taxi driver )
  2. Wasn't it? The company running the club at the end of the season was still in admin...... Which company was this? Sevco Scotland? Sevco 5088? When Rangers went into Administration, they got a points deduction. That company was still in administration when the new season started
  3. Correctochrimbo. Condensor uses more leccy, possibly smaller capacity and you have to keep emptying the water manually. If you can vent it, go that way. Cheaper to buy and run plus less hassle (plus less to go wrong) though if money no problem then condensor wins.
  4. In order to 'grant' a membership in this situation, there must be a vacancy ....... there wasn't as the dead club held it. Hence it had to be transferred ....................... sooooooooooooo why no points deduction old deflecto Tedster ?
  5. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, why no points deduction at the start of this season
  6. Ah, you chose to reply to this one and not the 'points deduction' one..........good evasive choice. Ok. He bought the Club. How can you buy an entity that according to Orclore cannot be liquidated? You can buy a Company..................Or is that clouding things......?
  7. If the club is not dead, The Rangers would have started this season with a points deduction
  8. He sure did/was.............. and JLM sounded a soft touch, but a really nice guy. Pretty true to life from what I remember.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01h6463/Afternoon_Drama_Dear_Arthur_Love_John/ 45 mins and well worth a listen
  10. 2012............................12 months..............clubs going out of existance..............1..................... .......................yours.........................
  11. And the shame of 1973 and their biggest ever trophy getting presented in the cludgie, during what is now claimed as their Centenary Season? And not even being allowed to defend it.......
  12. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggh, first hit with this and ''Puding pickle pants '' was only added last night, should've taken more time with accepting.. A 24 hr delete
  13. No, thats the new club you support , you know, the one that didn't have a points deduction at the start of the year.
  14. Ye Gods RFT, you have almost used up your yearly allowance of posts in one day ''Early release'' + ''good behaviour'' spring to mind
  15. Think it was about he has resigned in order to take up the same position in the new 'International' Company........no biggie.
  16. ^^^Agree. though wish I could dig out the post I made months ago re what an orcs views were on the word, it was hilarious ''bi god'' or something ie it was the Papists who made them 'bigots'
  17. ffs, 1 = A 8 = H, I'm sure you would have noticed that Combat-18 used it........... doesn't mean that it has any connurtation with this poster. Didn't he used to serve your Queen on a sub or something?
  18. As posted in the Dead Pool.. Ministry and Rigor Mortis lead axeman Mike Scaccia dies on stage @ 47 http://www.metal-rul...e-scaccia-dies/
  19. Put a rollup on all the games today so if Pipe doesn't get his act together my viewing is ruined pretty damn early .........
  20. ^^^^ puff that wouldn't kick off aginst v 2 on........Black Saturday...........
  21. Somebody red dot the alias as I am out............ thankyouplease
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