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lyle be back

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Everything posted by lyle be back

  1. This is utter madness - I don't know how much more he has to do to drag down Scottish football's reputation. Can I suggest that someone tells him to stop coming home from the pub pissed and posting cannon fodder for the media? How much lower can this go? These look like the postings of a man under the severest pressure and very close to the edge in my opinion...
  2. From reading the postings here and on Livi Lions, it would appear that Massone has undergone a damascene conversion from 'we're not in financial trouble its all made up by enemies of the club/ the papers' to 'buy 300 season tickets or we're f****d'. I find it amazing that Livi fans are urging each other to buy season tickets - talk about throwing good money after bad. Your only hope is (yet another) administration, booting out Massones croneys and starting from scratch - save your money for that. The way this club has been run is a disgrace to Scottish football, and the sooner it ends the better. Livi fans need to get together to build a plan to get them out of administration now. And the SFA should demote them to div 3 - otherwise I would advocate all clubs overspending, going into admin and restarting again ad infinitum. End game is now in sight methinks. Its like watching a car crash in slow motion...
  3. Seems to me that the council is bending over backwards to help Livi: 1. Offering to flog stadium only 'on the basis that professional football is played there' but then stating that they are happy to flog it, then Livi can build a new ground and flog the exiting one as long as the new ground is built beforehand. Great - lets build a cheapie ground on a crap bit of land that fulfils this woolly criteria and then flog the ground for a big profit - any council landfills needing grassed over? 2. Reducing rent to £50k per year. 3. Flogging the ground cheaply to the trust. If I was a council tax payer, I would wonder how wisely my council tax was being spent given the small attendances at Livi compared to the council tax base. It would appear that the council are forgeting their wider duty to other non football taxpayers.
  4. He's even trying to get his court appearance delayed! Claiming that a key witness was in Italy when he knew the court date well in advance seems a bit wierd. This appears to have been a trial date that had to be postponed rather than a hearing (Although I am confused by a second hearing). Does Massone not speak English?
  5. Are you owed money by the club? If you are, I applaud your 'dignity'. If not I would suggest that you do not attack those people who are owed money and have as yet not went down a more serious legal route. It would appear that some of these people have been waiting months for payment and could easily have been more 'improper' about their actions, but have not done so as they are supporters of the club.
  6. Seems to me that the club are in financial trouble. Reasons: 1. A new owner who doesn't seem to have paid some creditors for debts incurred under his regime, forget Flynn's 2. A new owner who seems to misunderstand basic contract law - ie a contract is made between the supplier and the ltd company, not the previous owner. Therefore, the COMPANY owes creditors, not individuals 3. He seems to be paying players out of his own wages, rather than the club's finances. A la Gretna. Why? 4. Although the creditors appear to be small, they have not had any communication from the club. Also rumours (not substantiated re electricity and players bonus cash flows). 5. He seems to be hitting out a 'fake fans' - those who have the temerity to ask some legitimate questions (esp given Livi's less than glorious financial history) - there seems to be a bit of 'we're doing well, lets not criticise the board' attitude from the other fans - once again Gretna anyone. What he seems to fail to understand is that for small creditors the moneys owed, although apparently not substantial to Livi, may well be the difference between continuing to survive and going under. Taking it to its extreme, these guys could be left with pence in the pund if teh club did go into administration. I am a fan of QOS, but I'm not a fan to the extent that I would watch my livelihood be destroyed by their failure to pay for services provided. Someone needs to tell the Italians to pay up and get Livi's financial house in order. What's the SFA doing in this?
  7. It was flying ant day in London yesterday. Here in Bristol, its today.
  8. What is the rule for this. It seems like you can stick a picture on and write a number beside it. Is that not cheating? I am an internal auditor so apologies...... By the way you've missed 18
  9. That title always makes me think of a porno... Hot Rod 8/10 - pretty basic humour but funny in a predictable way. Isla Fisher as well (she seems to have some sort of age defying property - she still looks about 18. Must be the Ali G effect)
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