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The Mantis

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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. Tried some arty-farty shots last week after the first snowfall. The guy just happened to appear.
  2. USH ruined our pitch. From 96 till 2004 when we reached the SPL I think we only had a couple of games off due to frost. The USH rule was idiotic. If they’d made it optional but with accepting a fine for postponements, that would have suited us better.
  3. Looking forward to the County message board being saturated with messages from Jordan’s dad’s latest incarnation, with stats showing how Jordan is up there with the best strikers in the cosmos.
  4. Have a greenie from one of the half dozen posters who has even the remotest idea what you’re on about
  5. Wee Roebuck taken on Saturday when I would normally be watching fitba. Uncropped.
  6. Best of luck to Charlie, Brendan, Bob, Robbie and all the lads tonight.
  7. I was in many crushes at Ibrox and Hampden around that time. Usually at Ibrox it was getting out of the ground, it was usually fine on the terracing during the game, but at Hampden more often I was shiteing it during the game if I couldn't get in front of a barrier, as there were these huge surges, and you could end up about 20 steps down if there was a goal or even a near miss. Plus the uneven steps with the railway sleepers. Hampden had exits all round so you could escape onto the grass on the way out. I think at Parkhead it was different as you came off the terracing at street level. But strangely the scariest time was a Dumbarton v Rangers game at Boghead, just approaching the turnstiles to get in. The whole street was full of people, and as you got nearer it got worse. The Dumbarton fans will remember the street better than me, think it was a dead end. Coming out of Tynecastle could be a bit tight, and then there was the bridge at Easter Road
  8. No, didn't go that day but my mate did. Posted a link to save hijacking the thread any longer. https://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php?/topic/227746-ibrox-disaster-1971were-you-there/&do=findComment&comment=10047438
  9. One I learned from my mother in law - cho làn ri ugh - as full as an egg.
  10. Jeez, what's eating you Tut I was about 14 at the time, it's no secret by any means but it's a chapter of my life that's irrelevant now I'm an auld c**t. You can find my thoughts about Rangers in a few places, but certainly the Ibrox Disaster thread. Page 3 if you're bothered.
  11. Speaking as somebody who uses twitter about 4 times a year max , and not for fitba either, I came across the twitter account of the new chairman yesterday purely by accident, amongst all the condolences for Derek, and guess what? I'm blocked
  12. Missed it but it’s repeated on BBC Scotland on Sunday. Did anybody note whether this is a new programme and not just a repeat from a few years ago?
  13. Is it really a plane though, or is he just pleased to see them?
  14. I remember him just muttering it under his breath as he walked away, not actually telling him to f**k off, just one of those things you do when you're exasperated.
  15. Very very sad. A group of us were going for a pint once a month and last time I spoke to Derek on the phone we were looking forward to starting up again after the lockdown.
  16. It’s a couple of years since I was in there, but Cadenheads shop down at Holyrood always had barrels where they filled you a bottle and labelled it for about £45. Depending what was in at the time, but last time they had a Campbeltown, an Islay and a rum.
  17. Alloa playing with Liam Buchanan the lone striker, ICT have never been threatened so far, playing a back 3 and that means McKay is playing well forward where he can’t cause us any bother. The pictures are brilliant but the 2 commentators have not made much effort to research us, even Embarrassing Andy tries harder.
  18. Managed to grab a bottle of the 12 y.o. For £30 on Amazon yesterday but I see it’s gone back up again today. Sorry...
  19. Good luck. Had booked last April with my mate. We eventually went in September and had a good time, but the main focus was the birds and the distilleries so it was a bit of a bummer. The Bowmore Hotel was shut completely so we had to eat in the Lochside which is fine, but my mate likes posh nosh On the last night we went to the seafood place in Port Charlotte. Excellent if you can afford it...
  20. We've had meat off Sweeney Ness a few times. Half a pig, half a sheep. Think he's got a brother in Edinburgh so he delivers down this way.
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