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The Mantis

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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. The one at Bragar in Lewis was coated in fibreglass as it was deteriorating. It has the original harpoon that was used, sticking out the top.
  2. The Heron from up the page, having a scratch at its lug.
  3. Yeah I've been on that wee pier on a previous visit in 2009, where you can't see all the letters, but this time there was no access due to covid. Here's a crappy slide scan from 1994 pre-digital It was really frustrating this year. Ardbeg were doing a tasting but the manufacturing side was verboten, you couldn't get access to the shore anywhere. Laphroaig was completely shut, and I think it's impossible to get around the shore unless you go through the grounds.
  4. Forgot to say, there's also the Mural Trail if you like a walk and hate spending money...
  5. Think Benni McCarthy was on 29000 + squad of 20 x £50.
  6. Nope. Car park at Skelbo side. https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/002_317__lof_accessfeatures_1380116706.pdf
  7. Jeezo Give me another name then and I'll edit it.
  8. Very photographer-biased suggestions...The cloisters at Glasgow Uni are worth a look and not far from the Kelvingrove. The Lighthouse in Mitchell Lane just off Buchanan Street is good if you like getting up high for a view. The Riverside Museum for the contents and the building itself. Central Station west of the 'Hielanman's Umbrella'. Never actually tried taking photos inside but it's a fabby impressive building too. The People's Palace is just a stroll from the West brewery. I'll sound like a total tourist but the open top bus tour is decent value and like anywhere else you can spin it out for 24 hours. The pubs are great but I got shot down last time for mentioning the wrong ones
  9. Got back on Friday from a week's motorhome hire. "Wild camped" at Loch Maree, Kylesku, Balnakeil, Kyle of Tongue, Loch Fleet. Used sites at Ullapool and Fortrose. Tuesday was awful and Monday wasn't great but otherwise what a great advert for Scotland. Wasn't following the NC500 so off-route was quieter. Never realised the sheer fucking abundance of these motorhomes until I saw it with my own eyes. I go to Lewis a lot and see a fair number but this NC500 thing is fucking mental. Groups of 5 or 6 identical hatchbacks travelling in convoy. Even came across some cockney arseholes with graphic-covered sports cars and big mooths. Apparently the polis stopped them further south. Here's a couple from Loch Fleet c/w Aurora.
  10. Currently standing at Chanonry Point on the last day of a week’s motorhome hire. Been pretty splendiferous all week and I’ll probably post the highlights in a couple of days as it’s too much hassle posting anything except phone pics. Not really in a hurry to see another motorhome though apart from the one I’m in...
  11. There’s a far better stop for views of Slioch than the photo above but I was getting a bit frazzled driving the van and I thought the other one might be crowded once I got there so we stopped at the Beinn Eighe one, regretting it now. Today we’ve been in Gairloch and decided to stop at Ullapool. Not as far as we intended but hey the weather has been incredible. For our anniversary last year so we were in KLB so the missus could tick off Sandwood Bay and we also went to Handa. Can’t remember the burger van in Lochinver, just got a fruit pie and a coffee at the pie shop even though everybody on here thinks it’s rubbish.
  12. Me and the missus have got a motorhome for the week. Picked it up this afternoon at Sneckie. This is Loch Maree looking across to Slioch with an iPhone
  13. I've used Wex and Ffordes in Beauly second hand, both have very good grading systems and the 5D iv which is now my main body came from up north to Midlothian the next day.
  14. I’ve just found a photo I took back in the day watching Caley. I’m on the Shetland ferry just now and the WiFi is shit so I can’t see your vid but I’ll try posting the photo.
  15. If you were there in 1984 that was before my time. I never saw the main stand but I remember the gap where it was, and there was a decent sized covered terrace either side. Also you must remember the rickety old covered end at Benula Road. I think It was much bigger than what’s there now.
  16. Cheers Stevo. Was meant to be April for the birds (and the whisky). Never saw a chough or a hen harrier or an otter though. Posted a few more in the birds and the Scottish Islands. You'll love it. Been 3 times now at about 10 year intervals.
  17. Apparently I climbed this in November 1988. From Victoria Bridge, 17 miles. Last 40 minutes in darkness. Can't remember the first thing about it.
  18. Out my bed at back of 6. Never gets any easier, but feels good after a bit.
  19. Islay at the weekend. Dawn at Bowmore Jura from the ferry Church at Portnahaven
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