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The Mantis

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Everything posted by The Mantis

  1. When I took this I desperately wanted it to be the dream combination of a football ground with a distillery behind it, but even though there are 4 distilleries in Rothes that isn't one. Forget now what it is. Think the sheds on the right belong to Glen Grant though.
  2. I half agree with you but from my insider contacts it seems Regan was like many other English imports. He 1) didn't really understand the concept of the Juniors and their impact on the culture here, and 2) Thought a quick fix English solution was easy and we were just all a bit slow/thick up here.
  3. Apologies, I forgot Edu makes 4. Did Clyde actually start with history and support then? Seriously though, the East-West issue behind all this needs rectified, as the LL was seen as EOS under another name. IMO there's too much prejudice against the LL as I doubt many people in the West have any experience of the LL beyond these boys clubs as you call them. I watch a fair bit of Juniors too and I come through for games. The West Super Premier is an excellent 'product' and as most people say there should be a West/East split.
  4. Yeah, it was nothing great. Forthbank's actually ok, but I'm not a fan of these funny wee enclosed terraces behind the goals. Ross County had one too before they put the seats in the away end.
  5. Very impressed. Don't get this Eidon Hill though. The Eildons are away to the south of the park and I even googled Eidon Hill but found nowt. That looks like the 250m hill with the mast above Langlee.
  6. Guy standing at a bus stop. The bus arrives and he pulls out his glass eye and bounces it hard on the pavement then catches it. Repeats two or three times till the driver loses patience and asks wtf he's playing at. "Just checking if there's any seats upstairs".
  7. Two nuns in a bath. One says "where's the soap?" The other says, "yes, it does rather"
  8. A man wi no legs at a bus stop. Along comes the bus and the driver says "hi Jimmy, how you getting on?"
  9. I went round to my fiancee's house the other night. Her sister answered the door in sussies and a low cut bra which was struggling to hold her ample chebs. "Anne's gone out for a few hours. This is our big chance, the wedding is next week. I've been gagging for it ever since she brought you home. Quick, come upstairs and give me a right good seeing to." I immediately ran away back out to the car. Seconds later, they were all at the front door, fiancee, mum, dad, the lot. They'd been hiding behind the door the whole time. "Congratulations" they all shouted. "You've passed our wee test! It's wonderful that our Anne will have such a faithful husband." Moral of the story - always keep your condoms in the car.
  10. Yeah they have used Dinna Chuck Bruck for years on posters etc. Obviously more alliterative and punchy. Inspiring shot above from Lurky, here's a couple from me
  11. If there wasn't video footage of that game I'd have thought I dreamt it. Vigurs hat trick including a header and Billy King looking decent. No wonder we walked out of there thinking Richie was going to be just the ticket. turned out to be the high point of the season (apart from beating Rangers of course).
  12. Apart from Drapes, all the decent ones are gone anyway. Can't see the top flight clubs fancying any of what's left.
  13. Oh right. Was up there last year at the famous chip shop where I had scallops also helped lug boats up and down the place for regattas. My brother in law is big into bluegrass music and is/was one third of The Wishart Family. Amazing how many international musicians have stayed at that house over the years. My nephews are in Kansa. Had some great nights in Sandwick given that Chris Stout is from there and Gary Petersen lives there.
  14. Beat me to it. what part are you from? I go up quite a lot and stay in Sandwick, got in laws and nephews there. havent been to a game in Lerwick for donks. Last time was Shetland v Orkney and they used the Gilbertson.
  15. Looking forward to visiting Dumfries most of all. Make a weekend of it, although I'm nervous already about driving into the actual city centre, probably just get a day ticket to the Metro, take in a few art galleries, riverside cafes, castles, tractor museums etc.
  16. Wee laddie: "Mum, does the woman next door come to bits?" "No son, where did you get that idea?" " I heard dad say he would screw the arse off her".
  17. Wondered who that was at CH for Lithgae...
  18. This laddie comes in from school and says "dad, what's a coconut dug"? "Nae idea son, where did you hear that?" "Well just coming back from school there I saw a big crowd in the street and I pushed to the front. There were these two dugs stuck together and I heard this man say "Jesus Christ, look at the coconut dug" "
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